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Chapter Two
Origin of Matter, Universe and Sentient Entities.
Original Purpose, Goal and Structure of Human Life
and Its Natural, Mental and Spiritual States.
“In order to understand properly the origin of matter, universes and their respective sentient beings and entities, and the original purpose, goal and the structure for human life in its states and degrees, it is necessary to have as clear a picture of the structure of the Most High as possible.
For that purpose, the following structure of the Most High now is being revealed:
The Most High = Absolute "I Am"
Absolute Being + Absolute Existence = Absolute Life
Absolute State + Absolute Process = Absolute Encompassment
Absolute Essence + Absolute Substance = Absolute Awareness
Absolute Love + Absolute Wisdom = Absolute Principle
Absolute Will + Absolute Reason = Absolute Mind
Absolute Feeling + Absolute Thinking = Absolute Providence.
Absolute Motivation + Absolute Intelligence = Absolute
Activity Absolute Potency + Absolute Knowledge = Absolute Dynamism
Absolute Femininity + Absolute Masculinity = Absolute Creativity
Absolute Freedom + Absolute Independency = Absolute Choice
Absolute Spacelessness + Absolute Timelessness = Absolute Presence
Absolute Warmth + Absolute Light = Absolute Emanation This all results in Absolute Unity which equals Absolute Oneness.
Due to the fact that this structure of the Most High is attempted to be comprehended from the natural state of temporality and relativity of expression, it is therefore only an approximation of the true nature of the Most High. As mentioned before, the full and complete understanding of the nature and the structure of the Most High is impossible by someone who is not absolute. Therefore, there is a transcending concept and understanding of the Most High's nature and structure which will be revealed when and if the next step in the development of human spirituality is built based on this present concept and understanding. One must continuously bear in mind the approximation, relativity and dynamic nature of understanding of the structure of the Most High so that any stagnation, rigidity, one-sidedness and clinging to old concepts be avoided because in the process of time and better understanding they become obsolete and reactionary.
From the presented structure of the nature of the Most High it can be seen that all categories in the Most High are in Absolute Condition. There is nothing relative there. The very nature of this condition is Absolute Unity of all Absolute Features, Traits, Attributes and their Derivatives that comprise, together, Absolute Oneness.
Thus, Absolute Being plus Absolute Existence equal Absolute Life and so forth. The structure indicates that there are no divisions or opposites conceivable within this structure. By its very nature, the whole structure is continuously absolutely dynamic, active and creative. Passive, negative or dormant conditions are impossible in this structure. Being cannot be without existence. Existence cannot exist without being. Being is the essence and the very life of existence. Existence is the substance, the form, the manifestation and the process of being. Life is from the state of being by the process of existence. Both concepts, by themselves and in their combination, denote an unceasing, active condition which, in turn, denotes continuous movement. The same analogy can be drawn from all other aspects of the above-described structure.
From this follows the necessary conclusion that admittance and supposition of any negative, opposite or passive condition within the structure of the nature of the Most High is a falsity and distortion. Some Eastern and Western mystical, spiritual and philosophical concepts base their ideas on such division, assuming that the opposite forces in the universe are the source of movement and foundation of life. This distorted and false concept came from misunderstanding of the true nature of life. The negative opposite force occurred, proceeded and became from the establishment of such conditions by human beings in the process of their spiritual deterioration, a reason for which will be given in the following chapter. Thus, misunderstanding came from the deliberate establishment of opposing concepts, such as, being to existence, state to process, femininity to masculinity, positive to negative, day to night, and so on. Without an understanding of the additive functions of these categories, neither category, by itself, can be conceived of as opposite, negative or passive to the other. They are the positive, active conditions of the same category which are equal to the Absolute Activity. Thus, for example, state, being, essence, love, will, feeling, motivation, potency, femininity, freedom, warmth, and so on are all active states because activity, productivity and creativity are immanent to their very nature. Their very nature is manifested by and through active, creative and productive existence, process, substance, wisdom, reason, thinking, intelligence, knowledge, masculinity, independency, light, and so on. A careful examination of each category, in depth, will instantly bring to anyone's attention the Absolute Active, Dynamic and Creative Nature of each of them. This nature is absolutely immanent to all and each category. There is no exclusion. Any opposing force would truly bring a passive, dormant, negative state and condition in the structure which ultimately would destroy the structure and there would be no being and no existence and, thus, no life. Two forces opposing each other would keep conditions in an absolute and continuous state of immobility. No movement could occur, proceed and become and, thus, nothing else could occur, proceed and become. The concept of Absolute Activity, Creativity and Productivity of all categories, without exclusion, has to be continuously kept in mind if one is to understand how and why human spiritual deterioration came to its occurrence, proceeding and becoming. It is necessary to disregard the false and distorted teachings of the opposing forces which have such a flourishing acceptance in so many spiritual, mystical, religious and philosophical concepts. This is a traditional and conventional approach that has to be completely put aside forever.
Now, since each Absolute Category in the structure of the Most High is Absolute, it means it contains within itself the Absolute Presence and the Absolute Content of each other category in its entirety. This is the source for Absolute Unity, Absolute Harmony and Absolute Oneness. Their being and existence is Absolutely Active.
The Absolute State of the Absolute Being and the Absolute Process of the Absolute Existence of the Absolute Life and Absolute Encompassment in their Absolute Essence and Absolute Substance of the Absolute Awareness by the Absolute Principles of Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom through the Absolute Will and Absolute Reason of the Absolute Mind with Absolute Feeling and Absolute Thinking of the Absolute Providence with Absolute Motivation and Absolute Intelligence of the Absolute Activity through the Absolute Potency and Absolute Knowledge of the Absolute Dynamism in Absolute Freedom and Absolute Independency by Absolute Choice and by Absolute Creativity of the Absolute Unity of the Absolute Femininity and Absolute Masculinity in Absolute Spacelessness and Absolute Timelessness with Absolute Presence is continuously producing Absolute Spiritual Energy which results in the Absolute Warmth and Absolute Light with continuous Emanation from all and each category of the nature of tire Most High. Because each category, by its immanent nature, produces continuously such energy and its emanation, there is a cumulative effect. The output of such energy and its emanation, by virtue of the Absolute State and Absolute Process, is, of course, Absolute and therefore cannot be measured, comprehended or perceived in any imaginable or symbolical human terms. The term "spiritual energy" denotes here an absolute concentration of all Absolute Results of the states and processes of all categories, attributes and their derivatives within the structure of the nature of the Most High. Because it is the Absolute Result of all of them, it is Absolutely Spaceless and Timeless and contains within itself all principles of all categories in an immensely and unimaginably Absolute Intensified Condition. The Absolute Intensification stems from the Absolute Cumulative Effect of the sum of all outputs of the energies by each and every category in its entirety.
This Absolute Spiritual Energy constitutes the Absolute Sphere in the center of which the Most High resides. The Absolute Product of this Absolute Spiritual Energy is continuous Absolute Spiritual Emanation of the Absolute Spiritual Warmth and Absolute Spiritual Light which constitutes the Absolute Spiritual Atmosphere of the Most High. The Absolute Spiritual Warmth is the Absolute Process of the Absolute Love of the Most High and the Absolute Spiritual Light is the Absolute Product of the Absolute Wisdom of the Most High; thus, it is His/Her Absolute Spiritual Atmosphere. The Absolute Spiritual Emanation denotes the product of continuous movement and activity of all categories of the Most High and the Absolute Presence. Because in this emanation is the Absolute Presence of all categories, it contains all their qualities in the Absolute Sense in a still more intensified cumulative condition. It is difficult to find an analogy to assist in understanding this description. A remote analogy can be found in the structure of the Universe and its suns. The Absolute Sphere in which the Most High resides could be compared to the sun of the solar system. Its Absolute Atmosphere can be compared to the emanation which the sun continuously produces by its states and processes. Its heat can be compared to the spiritual heat of love and its light to the spiritual light of wisdom and so on. However, one would have to imagine all suns in existence with all their cumulative heat, light, power, potency, state and process to come even remotely close to the true understanding of the nature of the Most High.
Because all Absolute Categories of the Most High have Absolute Spiritual Qualities in themselves and by themselves, the Most High cannot be considered by limited physical, chemical, biological or any other categories of the natural world and its natural states, processes and conditions. However, they are true correspondences of spiritual categories, deriving their full origin from them. Therefore, the Most High is not dependent, in any way, on physical temperatures, chemical reactions, physical laws, biological processes or anything else, but transcends them all in all respects and, at the same time, is ever present in all of them through corresponding meanings of their existence. Whatever is corresponding to His/Her categories, attributes, derivatives and everything else, He/She is in that as in His/Her own.
Now, to go back to the question how all else that is not the Most High originated:
As one can see from the Absolute Categories of the Most High, there are continuous activities going on in them. The result of those activities is a continuous production of Absolute Ideas and Absolute Thoughts. But because these Absolute Ideas and Absolute Thoughts are the Absolute Production of those Absolute Categories, they contain all their qualities, attributes and derivatives in their entirety. Therefore, by their very nature, they produce their own energy and their own emanations which, in turn, contain in cumulative condition all qualities of the original Absolute Ideas and Absolute Thoughts which have all qualities of all categories of the Most High.
Since the Most High is always in Absolute Individuation and Absolute Self-Awareness-Absolute "I Am"-all Absolute Thoughts and Absolute Ideas produced by the Absolute State and the Absolute Process of the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom, by their very nature, tend toward their own self-awareness, individuation and self-realization apart from their source so that the Absolute Relationship can be established to their source. The tendency of such Absolute Ideas and Absolute Thoughts toward their self-awareness and individuation is a reflection of the Absolute Presence of the Most High and all His/Her categories. It is an immanent, natural creative force ingrained in every Absolute Idea and Absolute Thought continuously produced by the state and processes of all categories of the Most High. Because of the cumulative effect of the energy Absolute Idea and Absolute Thought contain from their source and production of their own energy from the effort for self-awareness, individuation and self-realization which sums up with the contained energy, they emit a tremendous amount of warmth and light. This originates the first spiritual sphere and its first spiritual atmosphere which is actualized and appears to be as if part and "without" of the Most High. But since the major principle formulated in definition of spirituality is that "without" of "within" is the "within" of "without", the Most High is ever present in that first "without" as in His/Her own. The first spiritual sphere and its spiritual atmosphere constitute the occurrence, proceeding and becoming of what is called the first spiritual dimension or the spiritual world.
Thus, the first spiritual sphere is the product of the Absolute Spiritual Energy produced by the Absolute Ideas and Absolute Thoughts of the Absolute State of the Absolute Process of the Absolute Love of the Absolute Wisdom and so on and their Absolute Emanation which produced the first spiritual atmosphere of the first spiritual sphere which is the first spiritual world. But because of its origin, the first spiritual world contains in itself all categories, attributes and derivatives of its origination relative to the Absolute Categories, Absolute Attributes and Absolute Derivatives of the Most High. They continue here again in a cumulative manner. Having all results and products of the original categories, attributes and their derivatives, the spiritual world is timeless, spaceless, eternal and infinite in its continuation. And since the spiritual dimension contains all results and products of the Absolute Categories of the Most High, it has inexhaustible possibilities of infinite numbers of spiritual states, conditions, degrees and levels to eternity, each of them, in turn, containing all products and results of the categories of the Most High. Thus, this is the base for an infinite and eternal uniqueness of each occurrence, each proceeding and each becoming. Because of the Most High's Absolute Nature, whatever occurs, proceeds and becomes from Him/Her is always creatively unique and unrepeatable.
The Absolute Nature of all Absolute Categories of the Most High creates absolutely unique and unrepeatable occurrences, proceedings and becomings.
Each such occurrence, proceeding and becoming is in a certain position to its source and through it to the Most High. This position is constituted by the similarity of the state to the Absolute State and by the sameness of the process with the Absolute Process. The more similar the state is to the Absolute State the more approximate it is to it, and the more sameness of the process with the Absolute Process the greater the degree of identity it has with it. This position, in turn, constitutes the succession of proximity and the intensity of the sameness. The succession of proximity and the intensity of the sameness as it occurs, proceeds and becomes from the Most High constitutes the level, the degree, the sphere and the quality of spirituality in which it is actualized and realized. Because of the Absoluteness of the nature of the Most High, there are infinite varieties, levels, degrees, spheres and qualities of spirituality in existence. Each of them, in turn, contains fully all products and results of the Absolute Categories of the Most High, and the Most High is ever present in these products and results as in His/Her own. The succession of proximities and the intensity of sameness of every occurrence, proceeding and becoming constitute what can be called an appearance of subjective space and subjective time.
From the spiritual dimension or the spiritual world, through the immensity of the cumulative effect of the energy and its emanation from the state and the process of the Most High, the next sphere and its atmosphere, which can be called the intermediate dimension or intermediate world, occurs, proceeds and becomes.
As one can see, the spiritual world, having all qualities, principles , attributes and derivatives of its original source-the Most High-in turn, by continuous occurring, proceeding and becoming produces spiritual energy and spiritual emanation which contain, in a cumulative condition, all other energies and emanations derived from the Absolute Energy and the Absolute Emanation of the Most High's categories.
This newly created spiritual energy and spiritual emanation, by its very nature, contains all qualities, states, conditions, attributes and derivatives of its source-the spiritual world and through the spiritual world-the Most High. Thus, the Most High is in them and in the intermediate world as in His/Her own. Because of its immanent nature which the intermediate world has through the spiritual world from the Most High, it tends to occur, proceed and become, and continue as of its own. Since its succession of proximity and the degree of the sameness to the original source is farther away in comparison to the spiritual world, it appears to be further from its source. Yet, by its very position, it is the container of all preceding energies, emanations, qualities, principles, attributes and derivatives in their entirety in a cumulative manner. To this immensely cumulative condition is, of course, added the energy and emanation which this intermediate dimension or world produces by its own occurrence, proceeding and becoming from the Most High through the spiritual world.
Now, in this condition the cumulative effect of all energies and emanations is of such magnitude and intensification that in its next succession it starts to appear, occur, proceed and become in the form of particles, elements, atoms, molecules, and so on. Because this new succession is the product and the result of the emanation of the spiritual energy of the intermediate world from the spiritual world and through it from the Most High, all else that proceeds, without exception, is contained in this new succession in its entirety, relative to the Most High in a cumulative manner and, thus, the Most High is in it as in His/Her own.
Each individual particle, element, atom or molecule is a corresponding container of each derivative, attribute and principle of the Absolute State and the Absolute Process of the Most High. And since there is an infinite number of such attributes and derivatives (because of their Absolute Nature in the Most High), there is an infinite number of particles, elements, atoms and molecules and their various combinations. As they continuously occur, proceed and become from the emanation of the intermediate world's occurrence, proceeding and becoming, they tend, by the nature of their origin, to accumulate and form their own conditions, state and process, relative only to the Absolute State and Absolute Process of the Most High. This individualized condition, by virtue of its immense concentration and intensity, appears in the form of matter. Thus, matter is nothing else but the accumulation of particles, elements and atoms which are the product and result of emanated spiritual energy from the intermediate dimension from the first spiritual dimension of the sphere and atmosphere of the Most High from the Absolute Idea and Absolute Thought of such product and result. In the ultimate sense, matter is nothing more than a by-product of the thought process and its ideas and thoughts which originate from the Absolute Creative Effort and its transmission from the Most High. The tendency of any idea and any thought toward occurrence, proceeding and becoming, and separation from the original source, is immanent to it because it is a carrier, a container of all categories, attributes and derivatives of the source itself. Thus, every idea and thought, by virtue of this law, seeks its own self-awareness, self-realization and self-becoming relative to the Most High's Absolute Being and Absolute Existence. As the idea or thought occurs, proceeds and becomes in succession of approximation and degrees of sameness to and with the Most High, it allows appearance of various dimensions, worlds and their conditions, states and processes until it finds its rest in the ultimate "solid" statematter. Thus, matter is not pure energy in itself, as some physicists think, but in the ultimate sense is a product of pure thought which produces energy by its process and emits it from itself with the inclusion of all its qualities. In this sense, matter is pure thought in an immensely intensified and concentrated form which appears as matter. Because of its intensification and concentration, it in turn, emits energy leading scientists to the false conclusion that matter is a form of energy.
The solidity and apparent inertia of matter is only an illusion because there is such an intensity and accumulation of all precedings in it that it continuously draws toward itself, attracting and containing everything that comes from all precedings absolutely emanating from and by the Most High's Absolute State and Absolute Process.
However, since the Most High's Absolute Nature is Absolute Creativity, it doesn't stop at this point. Instead, it creates a new situation utilizing the existing condition of matter. Since matter, in its original condition, is the ultimate concentration, intensification and cumulation of all preceding factors as described above, its situation is such that it continuously absorbs everything that is emanated from all precedings. The situation of absorption by itself doesn't produce or result in any apparent use. This situation is not tolerable by the Absolute Creative Nature of the Most High. !t would be a waste of all these containing factors from precedings in their exquisite state and process which is now called matter. But because matter, by its nature, by its proximity and degree of similarity and sameness with its original source, is of such condition that it absorbs and accumulates everything that is being continuously emanated from the other state and process preceding it, it cannot, by itself, produce any movement from "within" to "without" but only from "without" to "within". This situation creates a special state and process totally different from anything that preceded it. In the process of absorption and accumulation there is a continuous exchange of everything incoming without any ability to send it out or to produce anything new. The reason is that whatever is produced by the exchange of all factors "within" is instantly reabsorbed and re-accumulated back in its own state, feeding itself without emanating it into further occurrence, proceeding or becoming.
The necessity of this situation arises from the fact that the exchange, re-absorption and re-accumulation of all factors preceding this state and its process is necessary in order to enable the creation of the Universe. The creation of the Universe is the next step conceived in the Absolute Idea of the Absolute Wisdom of the Absolute Love of the Most High.
Now, as mentioned above, because there is no outward movement in the state of matter and everything falls in on itself in the process of continuous absorption and accumulation of all precedings, it is necessary to give it a thrust toward outward movement. Since the nucleus of matter is the ultimate intensification and accumulation of all preceding energies, emanations and corresponding principles, attributes and derivatives from the Most High, the Most High is in them as in His/Her own. By concentrating into the center of matter all energies and emanations from the Most High's Absolute State and Absolute Process, the Most High creates a favorable condition for outward thrust. One has to realize the immensity, the potency, the motivation and all else which is being utilized in this process. The Most High contains all categories in their own Absolute State and Absolute Process. Motivated by Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom through Absolute Will and Absolute Reason by the unity of masculinity and femininity and its Absolute Creativity and with all Absolute Categories, the Most High thinks and wills, and by the process of thinking and willing creates an idea, a thought of tremendous power and movement. This power and movement derives from the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom through Absolute Potency and Absolute Dynamism. The creation of such an idea or such a thought then is projected to the situation of the Absolute Absorption and Absolute Accumulation in the form of matter and an outward thrust occurs, proceeds and becomes in all directions from the center to the circumference or from "within" to "without".
As the actualization of transformation of the projection of the Absolute Power of the Most High into the act of outward thrust takes place, the so-called "objective" space occurs relative to the proximity to the center of the thrust. And as the realization of this process takes direction, so-called "objective" time proceeds relative to the center of the thrust, giving birth to the becoming of the Universe.
Now, as mentioned above, every particle, every element, every atom of matter has all necessary prerequisites from its original source because it originated from those prerequisites. In them, the Most High is as in His/Her own. Since there is an infinite variety of all kinds of prerequisites and their states, processes and conditions, in the process of the movement from the center of the thrust the infinite variety of dimensions, universes, galaxies, solar systems and planets occurs, proceeds and becomes. Because they all contain within themselves the original attributes of all categories of the Most High, they all tend to establish their own unique being and existence relative to that which they represent from the Most High. Thus, universes with all else in them are the ultimate representation of everything which is in the Most High. This representation is in the form of the natural degree. Thus, the natural degree is the intensification and accumulation of all energies and emanations from the spiritual sphere and its spiritual atmosphere of the Most High for the purpose of becoming from the Most High.
From this follows that the relationship of the Most High and the Universe is such that the Most High transcends it and everything that is created in all respects. But because all creation and the Universe originate from the Absolute State and Absolute Process and all Absolute Categories of the Most High, the Most High is in them throughtout the Universe and all creation as in His/Her own. Therefore, in this sense only He/She is immanent to His/Her creation and the Universe, and at the same time He/She is completely, totally and absolutely different, thus, transcending all His/Her creation and the Universe in all respects.
From this view of the origination of everything that exists it follows that the scientific theory of origin of the Universe known as the "Big Bang" theory is a distortion of what really occurred. The "Big Bang" theory conceived of the process as an art of violence and explosion. Neither violence nor explosion took place in this process. In fact, just the opposite: it was an act of Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom of the Most High who, by His/Her own Absolute Power, initiated the thrust in the center of that accumulation and absorption which is called matter, to give the birth to the Universe. Another problem with the "Big Bang" theory is that it cannot properly explain how that accumulation and absorption occurred, nor the origin of the particles and pure energy. It only assumes that pure energy always is by itself without any source. But even the purest energy has source and it is inconceivable to comprehend existence of energy without the source which precedes it.
The next step in this deliberation is the comprehension and understanding of the process by which sentient entities came to be. Again, the presented discourse on this theme can be only an approximation of what really occurred. Therefore, it will be transcended when mankind is ready for the higher and more approximate understanding of reasons behind their creation.
One of the Absolute Principles of the Most High and His/Her Essence is Absolute Love. From this principle stems Absolute Desire and Absolute Motivation to give and to share Absolute Love absolutely. The Absolute Process of the Absolute Sharing and Absolute Giving is by the Absolute Principle of the Absolute Wisdom which is the Absolute Substance of the Most High. From these Absolute Principles an idea, a thought occurs of the ways, the means and procedures of realization of all possibilities for Absolute Giving and Absolute Sharing. From this a plan or a scheme is developed and proper foundations are prepared to actualize the possibilities for Absolute Sharing and Absolute Giving of the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom.
However, there is a dilemma here: Absolute Sharing and Absolute Giving are possible only with another Absolute Being and Absolute Existence. The fullness and completeness of such giving and receiving, by its very nature, requires full parity and equality. Anything less doesn't provide sufficient means and opportunities for receiving the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom in the Absolute Degree. It is impossible to create another Absolute State and Absolute Process with all its Absolute Categories because the word and the act of creation denotes beginning, occurrence, proceeding and becoming. Whatever begins, occurs, proceeds and becomes cannot be Absolute but only relative to the Absolute. The condition of Absolutism is that it is uncreated, unbeginning, unoccurring, unproceeding and unbecoming because, simply, it always is. The "Always Is" denotes its Absolute Nature. It is impossible for two uncreated, absolute states and absolute processes to exist and to be because then they would not be absolute and, thus, they would stem from One which is Absolute. Thus, only One can be Absolute.
This dilemma is resolved by conceiving an idea of creating an infinite number of states, conditions, processes, situations, levels, degrees and dimensions with an infinite number of sentient entities assigned, attached and relevant to all these various states, conditions, processes, situations, levels, degrees and dimensions and all their relevant activities. Each such entity singly created is created in a completely, totally, utterly and absolutely unique manner. Thus, it becomes absolutely unique.
Because there is an infinite number of them, the total infinite sum of these numbers gives the Most High opportunity for Absolute Sharing and Absolute Giving of His/Her Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. In this way, the dilemma is completely resolved.
The idea of creation of recipients of Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom of the Most High contains in itself the Absolute Conditions of such creation: they have to be sentient and, thus, they have to approximate, in an infinite variety of ways and forms, the nature of the Most High. One can only share and give appropriately with and to something or someone who has certain degrees of sameness and is approximate to its nature. Therefore, logically, such recipients must be carriers of all principles, attributes, derivatives and conditions contained in the categories of the Most High.
Once this idea is conceived in the Most High, it tends strongly toward its actualization and realization. However, before it can be actualized and realized, the proper environment has to be created and prepared in which these recipients can abide or reside.
This initiates creation of infinite varieties of environments, each one structured in such a manner as to fully, completely, totally and comfortably accommodate its future residents with the purpose for their continuous development, growth and progress, giving them the opportunity for their creative actualization and realization in their integration, individuation and self-awareness. Such an environment has to be provided for all such entities, would-be recipients and carriers of all principles, categories, attributes and their all derivatives from and of the Most High.
Each such environment is a sphere with its relevant atmosphere which will become the most suitable to accommodate unique entities in an environment unique to them. This sphere and the atmosphere is built from the Absolute Spiritual Sphere and Absolute Spiritual Atmosphere of the Most High as described above. Because the Spiritual Sphere and the Spiritual Atmosphere of the Most High are in the Absolute Condition, from them are created infinite numbers and infinite varieties of unique spheres and atmospheres relative to the Absolute Spiritual Sphere and Absolute Spiritual Atmosphere of the Most High.
The purpose of creation of such spheres and atmospheres in infinite numbers and infinite varieties is to accommodate infinite numbers and infinite varieties of recipients of the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom of the Most High. Since all these recipients are or will be created in such a manner as to be able to approximate the Most High in all respects, they have or will have their own sphere and their own atmosphere most suitable for their creative development. Such an environment has to be carefully planned because of the recipients' structure and their nature. The point here is that they all are relative to the Most High who is Absolute. But they will contain, within that relative, the Absolute. The relationship of the relative to the Absolute is such that it continuously approximates the Absolute, that is, coming closer and closer to the Absolute, never really reaching parity and equality with it. In order to reach parity and equality with it, it would have to be untreated. Thus, continuous approximation denotes the absolute need for continuous development, growth and progression of all entities who approximate the Most High. This development continues to eternity. In the ability of all sentient entities to develop to eternity and to more and more approximate the Most High is their absolute value. Thus, having this absolute value, they truly become likenesses and images of the Most High. Since the Most High can only consider absolute values because of His/Her Absolute Nature, He/She creates sentient entities as absolutely valuable and worthy recipients of His/Her Absolute Categories in a relative sense relative to Himself/Herself only.
Due to this Absolute Value of all recipients, their environment has to provide them with continuous opportunity for such development.
As described above, the Most High creates, by the process of emanation and its principles, from His/Her Absolute Spiritual Spheres and Absolute Spiritual Atmosphere all necessary infinite numbers and infinite varieties of such environments for that purpose. Each environment is structured, originated and clustered around the specific, unique nature of recipients residing in it. The relationship of those environments and their inhabitants toward the Most High will be determined by the degree of proximity and the degree of sameness they will have to and with the Most High. This, in turn, determines the proximity and the degree of the sameness they will have to each other. The closer the proximity to the Most High and, thus, to each other, the closer and the more similar they will seem to be to the Most High and to each other. The greater degree of the sameness with the Most High and, thus, with each other, the greater will be their identity with the Most High and with each other.
However, because of the uniqueness of each recipient's structure there can be no duplication in the same degree of identity or the same proximity to the Most High. Therefore, they all will be in some respect completely, totally and utterly different. But since there is that level of proximity and degree of sameness, they will tend to cluster in groups, societies, nations, dimensions, universes, galaxies, solar systems and planets in accordance with this level of proximity and degree of sameness to and with the Most High and, thus, to and with each other.
Once all this is planned and laid out and all environments are created and prepared, the next step is the creation of relevant sentient entities.
The procedure of their creation progresses in succession and by the level of proximity and degree of the sameness to and with the Most High. Thus, the first sentient entities created are the most approximate and most identical to and with the Most High, as is their environment, which is also most approximate and most identical to that of the Most High. The first sentient entities therefore appear to be always near to the Most High with almost the same degree of intensity as His/Her Absolute Categories.
It is said "almost" because they never can occupy the same level or place, or have the same degree of intensity of all categories as the Most High is and has.
Once this idea is conceived, the Most High creates from His/Her Absolute Form an appropriate form relative to the His/Her Absolute Form and relative to the needs of these newly created entities, and endows that form with His/Her Attributes and all their derivatives relatively to His/Her Absolute Being and Absolute Existence. Those ideas and thoughts are projected into the form of that specific environment and by the act of projection and endowment they do occur, proceed, become and continue to eternity.
Once the first round of creation is completed, from it and through it all other rounds are created in succession. It is said that they are created in succession. The reason is that each round, each level of creation becomes a base, a foundation from which the Most High creates every other successive level and dimension for the accommodation of to them, unique sentient entities. This continues until the natural level is created for accommodating the natural sentient entities which are created as last in this particular succession.
Because everything occurs, proceeds and becomes in succession from one another, because it carries one another's principles, attributes and all their derivatives in their entirety, and because the Most High is the originator of them all in succession, sentient entities all contain the complete likeness and image of the Most High in their unique manner, relative only to the Absoluteness of the Most High.
From this stems the following important spiritual law: Every sentient entity has ingrained in itself all levels, all degrees, all dimensions, all states, all processes, all conditions and all situations which exist from the very first act of creation to the very last occurrence, proceeding and becoming of the natural level, including natural entities themselves. In them the Most High is continuously present as in His/Her own.
All these things are present in every sentient entity in the form of potential and in the form of spiritual energy which continuously is produced and emanated for the purpose of life support in every entity to eternity. Any potential, however, can be actualized and experienced at any time by any entity if proper and needed for that particular entity. The full function of every entity is determined by the choices of environment, level of proximity and degree of the sameness to and with the Most High. The external form of such an entity is built from the environment in which is is placed for the purpose of accommodation, and the opportunities of development and recreation of that environment. Therefore, only those patterns are being activated which are relevant to every choice and the appropriate environment which gives the opportunity for actualization of that choice.
However, before creation takes place, one extremely important question has to be resolved:
As one can see from the structure and the nature of the Most High and all His/Her Absolute Categories, the Most High is Absolute Freedom and Absolute Independency which equals Absolute Choice. Since all sentient entities are created in the likeness and image of the Most High, they must possess the same quality of freedom and independency with the choice relative to the Most High. Therefore, before any sentient entity can come into existence and being, it is necessary to establish whether such entity will choose to be and to exist with absolutely all consequences and outcomes of such choice.
But how does one present such a choice to a creativee if the creativee is not yet created? It is necessary to understand that a creativee is created from the Creator. Thus, a creativee is in its Creator as in its source. The source contains all possibilities, all levels, all dimensions, all inclinations and all choices and outcomes. The idea, the thought of creating a unique entity before its actual creation, seeks out, in itself, confirmation and the vision of all consequences of choice and decides whether it wants and desires to choose such a state, process, condition, assignment, mission and the environment appropriate to all these. Symbolically speaking, that idea is shown in a fraction of time its entire being and existence as it will occur, proceed and become to its ultimate eternity. One has to remember that this takes place in the Absolute State and in the Absolute Process of Absolute Timelessness and Absolute Spacelessness, thus, by Absolute Presence.
If that idea and that thought decides, from its freedom and independency (each and every idea and thought is free and independent), to accept that choice and all its consequences and outcomes, it steers itself toward occurring, proceeding and becoming and, thus, is manifested appropriately to its own sphere/atmosphere of its environment. However, an actualized idea or thought which occurs, proceeds and becomes in the form of a sentient entity is, in fact, that sentient entity. Therefore, that very sentient entity made the ultimate choice of its being and existence from its freedom and independency in the form, in the condition, in the state, in the process, in the situation and in the dimension relevant to its choice and in the needed environment for actualization of all choices and continuous progression in its own and unique, specifically chosen manner. Once this choice is made from the state of freedom and the process of independency, the entity is committed to itself and to the Most High to be and to exist to eternity.
However, the need for continuous progression to the levels of approximation to the Most High and the acquisition of a greater degree of the sameness with the Most High requires infinite and inexhaustible opportunities for each entity to progress. This is the condition of its choice. The condition states that one can always change the state, the dimension or the situation in which one is at the moment. However, one cannot change the choice itself because it is the very life of every entity. The original idea and thought of the entity is to be and to exist. Because it stems from the Absolute Idea of the Most High, by its conception, it always wants to be and to exist as a choice. That is not changeable; otherwise it would not need to be conceived. For that reason, once an entity chooses to be and to exist, the absolute consequence of that choice is always to be and to exist. But the condition, the state, the process, the dimension, the form or the environment of that being and existence can be changed and chosen any time a need or desire occurs. And because such a need or desire is always determined in the ultimate sense by the continous spiritual progression of that entity toward closer proximity to the Most High, and by the desire of greater degree of the sameness with the Most High, it is given continuous opportunity for fresh and new choices and for new experiences within and without its own original environment and its levels.
However, since the principles of creation state that the Absolute Creative Effort of the Most High is never exhaustible and that He/She never creates the same condition, the same situation or the same entity, the entity's development is always progressive and not repetitious. Therefore, once any state, any level, any condition, any environment or any degree is assumed by the entity, it would be unconstructive, unproductive and uncreative to assume it again and again. Thus, the concept of reincarnation in its literal sense as it was assumed by human beings is a fallacy and a distortion.
The assumption by an entity of a certain role, at a certain state or level, in a certain environment follows a certain line from the Most High. That line is very specific and continues to eternity as a part of the creative effort of all entities relative to the Absolute Creative Effort of the Most High. That line needs to be continuously functional and, thus, properly maintained so it can evolve and progress. Each entity which participates in the maintenance, creativity and function of that line, after its departure from it, leaves in the line its traces, signs, part of its will, desires and intentions. The line continuously reflects the contribution, the uniqueness, and all efforts, will, desire and intention of that entity. This reflection of the entity is not the entity itself or its spirit, but only its will, its desire and its intention. After the entity fulfills its purpose, being in that line, it leaves the line to incarnate into a different level, different dimension, different state, different process, etc., so that it continues its spiritual progression and unique contribution to some other line which it follows from the Most High. After it leaves, it is replaced by another entity which volunteers to continue in that specific line and contribute its own uniqueness and specificity to it, thus, malting it more perfect and closer to the Most High. In the moment of assuming that role, the entity assumes also all previous wills, desires and intentions of all other entities which participated in the development of that line without becoming those entities. This would be impossible anyway because every entity is unique and cannot be completely the same as any other entity.
Once that position is assumed, the new entity continues to build on everything previous in its own creative manner. The assumption of the will, desires and intentions of all previous entities gives the new entity access to all memories of those entities which participated in the building of that line. Thus, under certain conditions, that memory can be relived and the erroneous impression can come to mind that it is the same entity.
Now, the previous entities remain in that line through their old will, old desires and old intentions, and they continue to experience that line through the new entity until all possibilities of that environment, that dimension and that condition are completely exhausted and, instead, a new line is created. For that reason, by virtue of this structure, no entity, in its spirit, ever comes back to the same level, to the same dimension or to the same environment because it is present there and experiences all its possibilities by the above-described process.
The concept of reincarnation is a distortion and misunderstanding of the principle that every entity, if it chooses, may incarnate in many states, in many dimensions, in many levels and in many conditions of the spiritual, intermediate or natural world.
Entities are never locked in a state; the choice is always present in any state. This gives every entity an opportunity for continuous progression to eternity.
However, every entity can and may choose to be in one particular dimension and its state for eternity. Since that state and its process approximate the Most High and are in a certain degree of sameness with the Most High, it can evolve, develop and perfect itself to eternity.
The situation is entirely different in the intermediate world and in the physical universe. Their purpose and functions are different. The ultimate striving of all entities is to be in the spiritual world. Each entity chooses the ways and the means of acquiring the place, position and the function it will have in the spiritual world. Some of these ways and means will require going through certain conditions, states and processes which are different from the spiritual world but which will ultimately lead to it.
The intermediate world, by its very nature, is the state, the process and condition in which the balancing of ideas and experiences occurs and where the choice and preparation for acquisition of a new role, position, state or condition occur for all entities who are not in the spiritual world. Therefore, one cannot stay in the intermediate world forever. No entity, by its very nature of continuous progression, has a desire to stay in the world of balancing and preparation. After balancing and preparation is completed, it desires to transcend that state and go to the next level of its chosen development and progression.
As far as entities in the natural state, that is, in the physical, natural universe are concerned, they can not remain forever in that world either. The nature of the Universe which was built from matter is such that it continuously tends to absorb, to accumulate and fall on itself. Its outward movement is maintained only by the original thrust. Therefore, it has the tendency and pressure to return to its original state of intense concentration around its own center where its process of absorption, re-absorption, accumulation and re-accumulation can continue forever. Because of that, everything that is made of elements of matter has a tendency to decay and to reverse itself to its original condition.
Now, as mentioned above, the external form of each entity, the container of the endowment of the Most High which makes that entity sentient and, thus, immortal in forward continuation, is built from the elements of the environment. An entity is placed into this external form by its own free choice and independency. The particular external form of the entities in the physical world is built from elements of matter in the form of the physical body. Any such form, by nature of the physical elements of which it is comprised, has a tendency for reversion to its elemental state. Therefore, it ages, decays and returns to its elemental state. The physical body disappears back to its elements and the entity finds itself no longer in the natural world but, instead, in an intermediate world where it assumes a new form similar to the previous physical form but comprised of the elements of the intermediate world. There the entity balances its experiences, ideas, thoughts, behaviors and everything acquired during its state in the natural physical world until the process is finished and the new choice is made in whatever direction is necessary for that particular entity. After that, it assumes a new form relevant and appropriate to its choice and to the world and dimension in which that choice will have an opportunity for actualization and realization.
This procedure never ceases to exist since, by virtue of its endowment from the Most High, the entity is immortal, eternal and universal. Any endowment of the Most High contains within itself all Absolute Categories of the Most High in their entirety relative to the condition of the Most High. Whatever contains that endowment contains in it the Most High's presence in a unique and unrepeatable manner, way and condition. It cannot be destroyed or cease living because its true destruction and true eternal death would mean destruction and eternal death of the Most High, which is utterly impossible. Thus, this is the true basis for immortality and the eternal existence of any sentient entity.
The function of the physical Universe during the state and the process of its movement from its center outward by the initial thrust from the Most High is the result of a corresponding spiritual state and its process. This corresponding spiritual state and its process is a spiritual organization of successions, occurrences, proceedings and becomings from the Most High. This organization has been in existence since the initial thrust of the Most High, which gave birth to this Universe or universes. The entire Universe, as it moves outward, reflects, accumulates, experiences and absorbs everything that corresponds to those particular spiritual states and processes.
Once this particular spiritual state and process fulfills its function and exhausts its usefulness, the time comes to create a different spiritual organization in succession to the previous one. When such a condition is favorable, the present physical Universe, as a reflection of this state and process, stops its outward movement and reverses itself to its original state, process and condition; it simply falls in on itself. However, it brings to this state and process a newly acquired experience, knowledge, state, process and condition which occurred, proceeded and became in all dimensions, galaxies, solar systems, planets, parallel universes and everything else it contained. At this point, the process of evaluating, balancing and absorbing of all that occurred, proceeded and became starts and the exchange takes place. All sentient entities which were part of that particular natural state, no matter where and under what conditions, continue their being arid existence in a so-called Absolute Elsewhere apart from their original universe. In it they balance, evaluate, absorb and exchange everything they experienced in preparation for their next level of spiritual development and progression.
As soon as the process is finished and the new, transcending spiritual condition, state and process is ready to come into being and existence with all its corresponding factors, another thrust from the Most High is given to matter and the new universe with all its parallels, dimensions, galaxies, solar systems and planets comes to its becoming to reflect the transcending spiritual order now in existence. This new universe is based and founded on all vast experiences of all previous universes that were in existence and it will add to this vastness all new experiences which will occur, proceed and become in the state and the process of its being and existence. With this new universe and for it, new types of entities are created, relevant and appropriate to the structure and the function of that universe. These new entities contain all experiences of all previous entities and they build on them their own experiences which they will acquire in the state and process of their own development and progression during the state in that new universe.
The old entities do not have to be incarnated in the condition, state and the process of that new universe. They transcend it by the spiritual order in which they presently are and by the experiences they had in the previous universe. These experiences are used as a foundation and base for the creation of new entities. Thus, they are ever-present in the function, in the process, state, being and existence of these new entities through existence in them of their own experiences, forming one family. They acquire all the new experiences through the new entities which are in that experiential condition without their necessity for incarnating in the new natural state. They are always present with them through their own experiences which are now part of these new entities.
This process goes from eternity to eternity.
In the All Creation of the Most High, there is no superior or inferior state, process, condition, occurrence, proceeding or becoming; they are all different and unique. Therefore, it is not a demotion, a degradation, a de-evaluation or disadvantage to be and to exist in any state, in any process, in any condition, at any level or at any degree including the natural state. Instead, each situation is seen as an opportunity or a privilege because it becomes a source, a tool, a means for any entity for enhancement, enrichment and acquirement of greater knowledge for further spiritual progression which brings it to a higher spiritual awareness and, thus, closer to the Most High. An inferior negative structure occurred, proceeded and became much later and is limited only to the negative experiences which mankind of this particular Earth has been undergoing for several million years. The discussion of these experiences and their purpose is the subject of the next chapter.
Since the Most High is in all states, conditions, processes, situations, levels and dimensions as in His/Her own, except for the negative experiences, all levels of experiences of all entities are superior, exquisite and desirable by their uniqueness and their difference.
To summarize: the process of creation of sentient entities is as follows:
An idea, a thought of a specific entity emerges within the Absolute Thought Process of the Absolute Wisdom from the Absolute Love of the Most High. That idea or thought contains all original Absolute Categories and all their derivatives of the Most High. It is formulated with regard to its future function, occurrence, proceeding and becoming in its entirety. Therefore, in that idea everything that was, is, and will be is ingrained in it from the very moment of its emerging to its eternal continuation. All events, all choices and all their consequences and outcomes are placed in it and it is given an opportunity from its free and independent nature to either reject itself and sink back into the general area of the Absolute State and the Absolute Process of the Most High, or to accept itself and the whole of its own content with all in it as it emerges. Should the acceptance be the outcome of its deliberation, the idea with all its structures and contents, without exception, becomes the innermost degree or region of the new sentient entity. The innermost, internal or spiritual degree or region, thus, contains all categories, principles, attributes and their derivatives of the Most High relative only to their condition in the Most High. Nothing is missing in it. Because the innermost, internal or spiritual degree or region contains all categories with all derivatives of the Most High relative only to His/Her Absolute Mature, it becomes the permanent residence of the Most High within that sentient entity. The permanent presence of the Most High within this region is necessary since from it the Most High continuously vivifies the entity and keeps it eternally alive. Therefore, this is the area which can be called the True Endowment of the Most High that is all in all that sentient entity is.
From this innermost, internal or spiritual region or degree, the creation of the interior degree or region of any sentient entity is enacted in a successive manner. All content of this region or degree is transformed from its general all-containing nature to the more specific individualized subjective and unique nature of each and every entity.
This leads the sentient entity toward self-awareness and self-realization as someone different, unique, special, specific and unrepeatable. It gives the entity a sense of being and existing both within and apart from anything or anybody else. This intermediate or second degree or region can be called a mentality of the sentient being by which it is what it is. Because this mentality is created from the innermost or internal spiritual degree in which the Most High resides, it contains within itself all categories, principles, attributes and all their derivatives of it in a transformed, individualized, unique and very specific, unrepeatable manner. This gives the entity a true sense of self-identity which is known as "I Am". Since the Most High, in its essence and substance, is the Absolute "I Am", and since all entities are created from that Absolute Essence and Absolute Substance of that Absolute "I Am", they contain and carry within themselves all attributes, principles and categories of the Most High relative to that Absolute State and Process and, thus, they become "I Am" relative to the Absolute "I Am" of the Most High. This is the true source of their self-identity.
Because of its content and its nature, each successive and discrete degree is structured by itself so that it has continuous degrees of everything in it, and its content is such that nothing is missing in any form, any intensity or in any degree. Thus, its structure is enacted in two directions simultaneously: from innermost to outermost, and by a simultaneous discrete direction and successive direction from the highest to the lowest or from the most gross to the infinitely fine, which is called a continuous direction.
By the enactment of the innermost or internal spiritual region through the interior or intermediate mental region with the help of the elements of the environment in which the sentient entity will reside, the third succeeding, simultaneous, discrete degree or region is created with its continuous, uninterrupted degrees. It can be called an external, outward degree or region. It is a body, a container, in which the two previous, preceding discrete degrees with all their successive continuous degrees are placed. This last degree is created in such a manner as to accommodate previous degrees in the state, condition and process of that particular environment into which the original idea of the sentient entity, by its choice, is being incarnated. For that reason, all elements and all structures of that environment are used in building this last, successive, discrete degree which can be called the body of the sentient entity. If this were not done, the sentient entity could not be manifested into such an environment. Manifestation takes place only by assuming the elements and the structure of that environment into which manifestation is projected.
Now, the structure of every sentient entity is such that the two previous degrees or regions in it - the innermost and the intermediate or spiritual and mental - cannot be changed. They are constant. The reason for this is that what is general in itself is always general and can be diffused only by deriving from the general. Therefore, general is always general. Because this general is the seat of the Most High, His/Her own possession, it must be constant because the Most High is constant and unchangeable due to His/Her Absolute Nature. What is Absolute doesn't need to change because it contains all infinite numbers and varieties of changes which were, are, and will be from eternity to eternity within His/Her Absolute Nature. Thus follows the constancy of the nature of the Most High and from it the constancy of the innermost, internal or spiritual degree. As far as the interior or mental degree is concerned, it is very unique, very individual and individualized, very specific and very different from everything else; it derives its origin from the constancy of the preceding successive degree. Whatever is unique, specific, different and individualized must stay constant because any change would destroy its uniqueness, subjectivity, specificity and difference. That change would result in self-destruction of the Most High who is in that unique, specific, subjective individual as in His/Her own. After all, it is part of His/Her own Absolute Continuous Manifestation for the purpose of giving and sharing in the Absolute Sense by summation of all infinite numbers and infinite varieties of all sentient entities and beings in existence. Why should one want to destroy by changing something that is a means for the manifestation of Absolute Giving and Absolute Sharing of the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom in that unique unrepeatable being and existence? However, constancy doesn't mean stagnation but, instead, it means an absolutely active and dynamic state and process from which radiate and emanate infinite varieties and numbers of all kinds of conditions, states, processes, beings and existences.
The situation is different with the third discrete, simultaneous and continuous, successive degree of the sentient entity because it is an outward form into which the sentient entity is manifested. The form of manifestation can be changed infinitely, with changes of spiritual and mental states, conditions, processes, levels, degrees and dimensions, universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets or anything else.
Whatever aspect is chosen by the innermost region through its unique transformed actualization in the interior degree for intensified manifestation, it will appear in that form, in that state and condition or dimension and environment which is the most suitable for fulfillment of the purpose of its manifestation. Once this aspect is chosen and the need for its manifestation is established, the proper environment is selected and from it the appropriate external degree is built so that the chosen aspect can appear, occur, proceed and become in order to fulfill its purpose in the spiritual progression of each particular sentient entity.
Since there are infinite numbers and infinite varieties of states, conditions, processes and aspects stemming from the Absolute Nature of the Most High, there must be infinite numbers and infinite varieties of corresponding environments and, subsequently, infinite numbers and varieties of external degrees or forms or relevant bodies, which are containers for the manifestation of preceding simultaneous, discrete and successive, continuous degrees.
It is necessary to bear in mind that one has to transcend the notion that any external degree can be built only from elements of matter. Matter is only one of an infinite number of forms from which such bodies are built for the purpose of manifestation of the unique mentality and the Absolute Presence of the Most High. Since there is such an infinitely diverse and simultaneous presence of environments into which manifestation of sentient entities can be projected, there are as many infinite, diverse and simultaneous forms of their external degrees - bodies. Since an external degree or body is built from the elements of that specific environment, it is subject to its laws and conditions. If environment were nonmaterial, it would have different laws and conditions for manifestation than one built from matter, for example. The condition in one state would not be subject to the laws and conditions of the other state and vice versa. Therefore, the external forms or bodies of two different conditions and laws would not be discernible to each other on their external or bodily level. Simply, they would not perceive each other's existence from that particular state. It could be only perceived and discerned from the state of the innermost degree and through it from the state of the interior degree which transcends and supersedes all laws and conditions of the external degree.
Therefore, if one relies on discerning something or someone in other dimensions or states from one's external degree and by the tools and methodologies built from the elements of that degree, one would discern and perceive nothing. Hence follow some false conclusions that nothing else exists besides one's own external reality.
However, all sentient entities, within their current environment and dimensions, are continuously perceptible and discernible to each other by the level of proximity and degree of sameness to and with the Most High and, thus, to and with each other. The more similar the level of proximity and the greater degree of intensity in the sameness, the more perceptible and discernible they will be to each other within their own dimension. And vice versa: the lesser the similarity and smaller degree of the sameness, the more distant and different they will be from and to each other, so that someone completely different and completely dissimilar to someone else will probably never encounter that one even to eternity. However, these meetings are possible on the level of intermediate world where they can project their own manifestation by temporarily assuming the form of that world and coming to meet each other if there is a need and justifiable purpose for it.
Now, from this discourse follows a very important law of spirituality: Life is not limited by and to existing degrees. Since life, in its Absolute State and Absolute Process of the Most High, is the Most High Himself/Herself, life transcends all imaginable degrees, levels, forms, dimensions, states, conditions and processes in each and every respect, without any exclusion or exception.
This points toward the tremendous error of some natural and social scientists of the planet Earth who, in their blindness, limit life to and by the biological, chemical, physical and social formulas and laws of their external environment from which their physical body is built. Some of them believe that no other form of life is possible or discernible. Yet, there are infinite numbers and infinite varieties of highly evolved sentient life forms throughout their own Universe and throughout all other universes, dimensions, worlds of material and non-material structures that are in being and existence each in their own environment suitable for them with regard to the purpose for which they are manifested in it.
Since the condition of human existence on planet Earth is entirely different from life on some other planets, both within their own Universe and outside of their dimension and universes, and since, at the same time, there are in existence similar or the same conditions in other places in their universe, some scientists falsely conclude that no life is possible apart from the condition in which they are manifested in their physical body. Therefore, they expect to find life only on planets with a similar structure and a similar atmosphere as Earth. It has been impossible for them to imagine that any highly evolved sentient life can be comfortably manifested in a condition, for example, of an absolute zero temperature or a temperature of many billion degrees above zero, or a condition without any physical atmosphere, or with an atmosphere poisonous and deadly to human physical bodies.
Of course, if they arrive at any such planet or place they will perceive and discern nothing by their tools or senses of their body, which are limited to function only within certain chemical, biological and physical environments similar to their own planet. However, if they would allow themselves to use their spiritual and mental degrees and their tools and methodologies, disregarding for that purpose the so-called natural or external degree, they would suddenly be able to discern and perceive a tremendous activity and presence of many highly evolved sentient entities which for that moment occupy that particular space and that particular time in that particular dimension.
However, these higher degrees within human beings, especially the innermost one (the spiritual degree), are closed to them for the reason which will be discussed in the following chapter of this book.
The next important question which has to be considered is the purpose, the goal and the reason for creation of sentient entities in general and human beings in particular, and all their natural, mental and spiritual degrees.
However, before proceeding further it is necessary first to correct some errors which exist in some spiritual, mystical, religious and scientific concepts on this planet Earth.
It is an error to assume that the external form or the bodily appearance of all sentient entities is the same as that of human beings and their appearance. This analogy is incorrect. Some do have the same or similar form, some don't, and some do not resemble anything human.
It is an error to assume that all sentient entities are separate and split into males and females as human beings are. Some are and some are not but they all contain, within themselves, the complete unification of maleness and femaleness and, thus, some of them are androgynous as is the Most High.
From the above error stems the third error: it is an error to assume that the manner of sexual intercourse and procreation of all sentient entities is the same as that of human beings of the planet Earth. Some sentient entities are the same, some are not and some do not resemble anything human.
It is an error to assume that there is only one spiritual world in existence. In fact, there are infinite numbers and infinite varieties of spiritual worlds occupying the same place but in different dimensions, permeating and interpenetrating one another and also existing in a parallel manner.
It is an error to assume that there is only one intermediate world in existence. There are as many of them as spiritual worlds, and they are in a precise corresponding position to each and every spiritual world.
It is an error to assume that there is only one physical universe of matter in existence. There are innumerable universes in existence occupying the same place but different dimensions permeating and penetrating one another and also existing in a parallel manner. All universes are in continuous correspondence with their respective intermediate worlds and through them with their respective spiritual worlds.
It is an error to assume that there is no connection among all these worlds and that they exist separately, apart from each other. In fact, they occur, proceed, become and continue within each other and parallel to each other with all kinds of connections and bridges among them. After all, they proceed from each other in simultaneous, discrete and continuous, successive steps from the innermost to the outermost, that is, first the spiritual, then the intermediate, and then the physical or natural world. Because of this connection and interdependency, whatever is happening in one has an impact and an influence on all others by means of correspondences and the ever-presence of the Most High in all of them and in each and every sentient entity in which the Most High is as in His/Her own.
It is an error to assume the commonality of all these worlds and their sentient entities from their external form, their external environment, and their external appearance. The commonality of all of them is that they all derive from the same source, from the Universal and Absolute Consciousness of the Most High, and have the same structure of the mind which is formed from the Absolute Mind of the Most High. Therefore, they are in continuous awareness, communication and perception of each other by means of the structure of their mind derived from the Absolute Mind and the Universal Mind of each and every world in existence. Because this mind has the same likeness and image, it has the same ways and means of communication. Therefore, the language of that mind is all-universal. The communication goes on continuously in the manner of the language of the Inner Mind which by-passes any possible comprehension of the limited mind of the external degree or the mind of the physical body. Therefore, this communication is happening without conscious awareness of human beings, who have their internal degree closed for reasons which will be discussed later. Whenever that degree is opened, one becomes fully aware of this fact.
Now, to return to the original topic: in discussing the reasons, goals and purposes of creation of sentient entities in general and human beings in particular, it is necessary to proceed in the following manner: first, the reasons, purposes and goals of creating sentient entities who don't go through this so-called natural state or through the physical universe will be considered. Then, the general reasons, purposes and goals for creation of the original human beings will be considered. After that, the reasons why human beings were created in the form of androgyns first and, finally, why it was necessary at one point to split or separate them into the physical forms of male and female.
As was mentioned before, not all sentient entities choose to go through the natural state in the physical universe; it is an error to assume so. The following reasons, purposes and goals explain why this is so.
Creation takes place in successive and simultaneous order from the innermost to the outermost. First the innermost environment is created for the projection and manifestation of the innermost ideas of the sentient entity which, by the conception of these ideas, occur, proceed and become. Within itself, the innermost idea has also the idea of intermediate and external degrees without the necessity of producing those degrees apart from itself. The environment which is created for this kind of sentient entity has to be created to accommodate his/her innermost state and process relevant to the idea of the innermost existence and being. Therefore, it has the form and the nature of that innermost with all containing factors for appearance in succession and discretion of the succeeding degrees. This is a blueprint of the prototype for all successive and simultaneous creations; this is the reason it is called the innermost. By its nature, it is almost as Absolute as is the Most High. Therefore, the creation of the innermost state and processes and their corresponding sentient entities is a necessity so that creation may continue and proceed further.
The Most High is the order and the law in Himself/Herself. He/She governs all and everything by His/Her Absolute Providence from His/Her own Absolute Environment, as was described previously.
Because all sentient entities and their environments reflect His/Her attributes in a manner relative to His/Her Absolute Nature and to His/Her Absolute Environment, they govern everything from the Most High in and from their own environment. Every environment, regardless of its nature, has to be maintained in order to be functional, purposeful and useful. Otherwise it loses its function, purpose and use. Every entity is responsible for maintenance of its own environment The order and existence of all other environments depend on proper maintenance of the innermost environment, as the innermost environment depends on the Most High's Absolute Environment which is continuously maintained by the Most High. Therefore, it is necessary to assign to it highly skilled, unique and specific sentient entities who will fulfill this function without any difficulties. Thus, special sentient entities are created for this purpose by their freedom of choice and placed into that environment. Because of their innermost nature, they transcend any other level and degree and do not need to be manifested physically in any other dimension or world unless they so choose. They are always there anyway by the nature of their structure, being the innermost of all creation from the Most High from which everything occurs, proceeds and becomes to continue to eternity.
Because creation takes place in succession and discretion the first sentient entities which are created, by the nature of their innermost state, are used as a base, a foundation from which the next successive and discrete step and their respective sentient entities are created. Thus, they assist and serve the Most High in His/Her creative effort; without them the creation of the next successive and discrete step and their respective sentient entities would be impossible.
They transmit and temper the intensity, the radiation and emanation of heat and light from the Most High which comes from His/Her Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. This transmission is necessary for the purpose of temperance. If the heat and the light and the intensity of their radiation and emanation were of the same level and degree as it is in the innermost level, no successive and discrete step could be created. It would be consumed by Absoluteness of the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom.
Therefore, the Most High from His/Her Absolute Mercy and Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom adjusts Himself/Herself to the nature of each successive created step. The adjustments are made by the means of creating degrees of receptivity which go in succession from the innermost to the outermost. Thus, the first sentient entities are created in such a manner that they can take the first, most powerful surge of radiation, or emanation of intense heat and light from the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. However, because they are not absolute but are almost like absolute, as the love and wisdom of the Most High goes through them, its radiance and intensity is tempered by their least relative position to the Absolute State and Absolute Process of the Most High. Thus, as that love and wisdom continue through them and from them further in succession, that love and that wisdom is accommodated to the level of degree of acceptance and receptivity of the next successive step. At each successive step sentient entities are created with the same purpose in mind so that the Absolute Love and the Absolute Wisdom of the Most High can be manifested in infinite numbers and infinite varieties of sentiency, levels, degrees, forms and dimensions, and so on.
For that reason, this kind of sentient entity does not have to go through the natural or physical state.
Since the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom desires absolutely to give and to share this love and this wisdom in an Absolute Manner, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for such giving and sharing. It is impossible to transmit Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom in its Absolute Intensity and Radiation to someone who is not Absolute. For that reason, various levels, degrees, states, processes, conditions, environments, and so on are created and inhabited by sentient entities to whom that Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom can be transmitted to the level and degree of their receptiveness determined by their position to the Most High in the succession of creation. Since there are infinite numbers and infinite varieties of such levels, degrees, and successions of existence and beings, the total sum of receptiveness of all such sentient entities which is cumulative in its succession equals to Absolute Sharing and Absolute Giving. And since creation has to occur, proceed and become in successive and simultaneous steps from the innermost to the outermost for the above reasons, each step must be inhabited first by sentient entities who will transmit that shared and given love and wisdom to the next successive step, thus, contributing to its Absolute Value. Therefore, each step has its own sentient entities who do not need to be incarnated in a physical or natural state.
One of the basic Absolute Categories of the Most High is Absolute Creativity. The Absolute Creative Efffort, by its very nature, cannot be limited to one level, one condition, one degree, one state, one process, one occurrence, one proceeding or one becoming, since they are all relative to the Absolute Creative Effort of the Most High. Therefore it is necessary to create infinite numbers and infinite varieties of such conditions in which that Absolute Creative Effort can be manifested absolutely in the total cumulative sum of all sentient entities at all degrees, levels and conditions of being and existence. Since all sentient entities are from the Most High, they have within themselves that creative effort relative to the Most High's Absolute Creative Effort and through it they create. In this creative endeavor of every sentient entity the Most High is as in His/Her own, thus, creating to eternity in the Absolute Sense through the cumulative sum of all the infinite numbers and infinite varieties of creative efforts of all sentient entities relative to the Absolute Most High. Because creation proceeds in successive steps from the innermost to the outermost, it is necessary first to inhabit the innermost step with sentient entities who will initiate creation of the next successive step from the Most High.
Because the natural or physical step is the last step in succession of creation in this particular global cycle of time, it is inconceivable to place sentient entities into the last step first before the innermost step and its successive steps and their relevant sentient entities are created. That would be a reversion of order and an impossibility. No creation can occur, proceed and become from the outermost toward the innermost or from "without" to "within". Absolute Innermost which is the Most High exists and is by itself and in itself. Whatever occurs, proceeds and becomes from it takes its position in an outward direction - "without" of "within". Since this is the Absolute Order of Creation, the outward or external degree cannot be and exist first because it would no longer be the outward or "without" but the inward or "within". This is why creation proceeds in succession from the innermost toward the outermost and why it is necessary first to create sentient entities from the innermost level and degree in gradual succession toward the outward or the most exterior level or degree.
As mentioned above, the first step of creation is creation of an innermost degree or step which is in the highest level of proximity and greatest intensity of sameness to and with the Most High. This first step can be called the innermost level of being and existence relative to the Absolute Most High. This innermost level establishes within itself its own intermediate degree from which its external form and degree is created. When this process is completed and firmly established, and when it is filled with all necessary sentient entities who reside and create from the Most High within this step, the next step in succession is ready to come into existence and being.
By the creative power and effort of the innermost degree of the innermost step from the Most High through its intermediate degree, from its external or outward degree the next step and its relevant sentient entities come into being and existence. The external or outward degree of the innermost step thus becomes the base and foundation on which the next step is built. Because each step is built from its innermost to the outermost, the outermost degree of the preceding step becomes the innermost degree of the next successive step. From this innermost degree of the newly created step which is the outermost degree of the preceding step, the new intermediate degree is built and from it the new external or outward degree comes into existence and being. This outward degree, in turn, becomes the base and foundation for creation of the next successive step, in which it will become the innermost degree of that successive step, creating from it its own new intermediate degree and from it its own outward and external degree, and so on. The whole process continues like this until the last step or the outermost layer of being and existence, which is the natural or physical degree, comes into being and existence to complete one cycle of time which corresponds to the entire spiritual hierarchy of organization and all its corresponding factors in their entirety. One such cycle of time lasts approximately one quintillion years until it fulfills its mission; then the next cycle of higher spiritual order and awareness begins. Thus, all steps in succession and discretion which are in being and existence and their respective sentient entities are interconnected and dependent on one another making them one to reflect the Absolute Oneness and Unity of the Most High.
Since this is the procedure of creation from eternity to eternity, it is obvious why sentient entities who do not go through natural, physical states must exist and be.
The principle and life of each entity is its love and wisdom relative to the Absolute Love and the Absolute Wisdom of the Most High. The very life of love and wisdom is not only to receive, but to give and to share. By it, the life of love and the life of wisdom is sustained and continues. The sharing, giving and receiving, as everything else in creation, is both simultaneous and successive. Reception of that love and wisdom from each preceding step and its transmission, thus sharing and giving it, to the next successive step is a continuous flow from the Most High into the first innermost step and from it and through it into all other successive steps and their respective simultaneous degrees. Without this receiving, giving and sharing there would be no life and no successive steps. Thus, for the purpose of reception and transmission, which is the giving and sharing of that life which is in essence love and in substance wisdom, it is necessary to have sentient entities in the innermost step of being and existence before any such transmission can occur, proceed and come into being and existence in the next successive step and in its relevant sentient entities. This is one of the reasons why there must be sentient entities who do not need to go through a physical or natural state.
The Absolute Potency, Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Dynamism and Absolute Power of the Most High is manifested in all creation in successive steps from the innermost to the outermost and in their respective simultaneous degrees. The transmission of this power and knowledge in its entirety into one step, one level, one degree or one condition would not be possible or bearable for that one step. Therefore, it must be tempered and accommodated to each step in degrees from the innermost to the outermost, from one step into another step, thus malting it possible for that knowledge and potency to have Absolute Value.
The sentient entities of the innermost step become the source of potency, power and knowledge from the Most High for the succeeding step and their relevant sentient entities which, in turn, become the source of potency, power and knowledge for the succeeding step and their sentient entities. This continues to the last physical or the natural step and its degrees and levels. Now, without the existence and being of the preceding step and their sentient entities with their knowledge, potency and power, each succeeding step with its relevant sentient entities could have no knowledge, no power and no potency. They could not survive by themselves or in themselves.
All categories, attributes, principles and their derivatives in the structure of the Most High are of an Absolute 1`Iature. All sentient entities are created in the likeness and image of the Most High. They are designed in such a manner as to become recipients of all those categories, principles, attributes and their derivatives of the Most High. But because any creation, no matter how perfect, will always be only relative to the Absolute, it cannot be endowed with the fullness of the content of the Most High. However, by His/Her Absolute Nature, the Most High desires absolutely to transmit all that She/He has in an Absolute Manner. Since no one level, step, condition or type of sentient entities can accommodate such absoluteness, by virtue of the fact that they are not Absolute, it is necessary to create infinite numbers and infinite varieties of such levels, steps, conditions and types of sentient entities for the reception of this nature of the Most High in successive degrees and steps. The total cumulative sum of all such recipients in their relative condition is equal to the Absolute Value of all Absolute Categories, Principles, Attributes and their Derivatives.
For this reason, creation has to follow a successive order from the innermost to the outermost. The successive order of transmission requires that each step in creation from the innermost to the outermost be inhabited first with sentient entities who are the transmitters as well as the containers of those categories because without them no next successive step or successive order and its simultaneous degrees could come into existence and being. Therefore, it is impossible for sentient entities to start with a natural or physical state.
Although creation in general follows the line of succession from the innermost to the outermost, the creation of sentient entities in relationship to their environment follows a different order. Once the idea of the first innermost step and its sentient entities emerges in the Absolute Thought Process of the Most High from the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom in all their respects, it is projected into being and existence in the following order. First, the environment of that step is created for accommodation of the sentient entities who volunteer to come into existence and being for that particular step. Secondly, the external form or container is created from the elements of that environment and from the ideas of their innermost and intermediate subjective degrees. And thirdly, the endowment of the Most High's Absolute Categories are projected and placed into that container or body in such a manner as to accommodate the Absolute Nature of those categories to the relativeness of the created sentient entity with the closest possible values relative to their original Absolute Values in the Most High.
Once this is accomplished the next step in succession is created in the same manner as the very first step. Thus, from the outermost degree of the innermost environment is created the environment of the next successive step. From it and by the idea of their respective innermost and intermediate simultaneous degrees, the container or external form of its sentient entities is created. In that container is placed the endowment of the Most High by the process of transmission to the sentient entities of the preceding step so that temperance of all categories occurs, proceeds and becomes accommodated to the level of receptiveness of successive sentient entities.
Each created environment is created with regard to the accommodation of sentient entities and their respective natures. Sentient entities are not created for the environment but the environment is created for sentient entities. Therefore, whatever exists in all dimensions, spheres, levels, degrees and steps in all universes and spiritual worlds and intermediate worlds exists for and from sentient entities by whom and through whom the Most High manifests Herself/Himself in the Absolute Sense.
Because there is no transmission possible through empty environments (the Most High is the Absolutely Living and Sentient Entity in Her/His own Absolute Environment and, thus, is required to transmit to and through the same content and form relative to His/Her own Absolute Sentient Nature) the sentient entities for whom that environment is created come into existence and being by endowment from the Most High for this general purpose. Because in this general sense creation must follow the successive order from the innermost step to the outermost step with its respective simultaneous degrees, it is necessary first to create sentient entities in the innermost step and its environment before any other successive steps and their respective sentient entities come into being and existence.
As mentioned previously, each preceding step becomes a base and a foundation for the next successive step. All degrees, forms, structures and dynamics of one successive step derive their origin from the structure and dynamics of the preceding step. There is an Absolute Correspondence of all happenings of the preceding step into the next successive step all the way down the line to the last or natural step. Whatever happens in the innermost step has its corresponding meaning in all successive steps to the last natural or physical step. The corresponding meaning is accommodated to the level, degree and the language of each successive step as it goes down the line.
Because the initiation of any activity is possible only "within" or in the innermost degree and condition (by nature of the fact that whatever happens happens in its origin in the innermost and proceeds through the intermediate to become in the outermost or "without"), all activities and happenings of any successive steps in being and existence are not possible without their corresponding initiation in the innermost step.
This statement requires further explanation: all sentient entities are a likeness and image of the Most High. The Most High is absolutely within Himself/Herself and by Herself/Himself. Whatever occurs, proceeds and becomes does so from "within" to "without". The result of any occurrence, proceeding and becoming is manifested in "without" of "within". Thus, "without" cannot be and exist apart from "within" by itself or in itself. However, "within" cannot be manifested apart from its "without". It is necessary to have a "without" so that transmission and manifestation of "within" is possible "without". In "without" all results of activities and happenings of "within" occur, proceed and become manifested and transmitted and, thus, become truly real. This is the reason that creation always Is. It was not, it will not be, but always Is.
For that reason, one can see why the Most High is called Absolute Creator and Absolute Creation in Herself/Himself and by Herself/Himself. She/He is the innermost of all sentient entities to the degree and level of their receptivity relative to Her/His Absolute Nature.
From that innermost or "within" all occurs, proceeds and becomes in that which is "without" or outermost in successive steps to its ultimate degree or level of outermostness. All creation of sentient entities and their environments is structured by this rule because they are all built from the Most High who is that way (inner to outer). As a matter of fact, the goal and the purpose of creation of the Most High is to create something which can contain all results of those innermost "within" Absolute Activities and Absolute Happenings in the Absolute Sense, similar to the desire to create another sentient entity which can be equal in all respects to the Absolute Nature of the Most High so that true Absolute Giving, Receiving, Sharing and Reciprocating can occur, proceed and become. Since this is an impossibility in itself (for any sentient entity is created and, therefore, can be only relative to its creation or Creator) it is necessary to create infinite numbers and infinite varieties of sentient entities and their respective environments so that they can accommodate in a cumulative sum of their being and existence the Absolute Qualities of the Most High. Therefore, each sentient entity in particular and each step in succession with its respective sentient entities and its respective simultaneous degrees is created as a replica relative to the Most High's Absolute Nature. Because the Most High is Absolute "within" and Her/His creation is Absolute "without", all sentient entities and their respective steps reflect this order and are from "within" to "without".
This is true of one sentient entity individually, one successive step as a whole, or all of successive steps in their entirety with all their respective simultaneous degrees.
From this follows the following important spiritual law: Every individual sentient entity is a replica relative to the Most High. All sentient entities within one successive step and its respective simultaneous degrees taken together are one such replica relative to the Most High. All successive steps from the very first or the innermost step to the very last or the outermost step with all its respective simultaneous degrees are one such replica relative to the Most High. The Absolute Cumulative sum of all beings and existences is, thus, one Absolute Sentient Replica to the Most High into which all Absolute Activities and Happenings within the Most High can be transmitted in the Absolute Manner. Thus, the possibility of the Most High for Absolute Sharing, Absolute Giving, Absolute Receiving and Absolute Reciprocity to and with someone who is in its total cumulative sum is as Absolute as the Most High because it is exactly like Her/Him, the only difference being that that one is "without" of Her/His "within". And since that "without" occurs, proceeds and becomes from the "within" of the Most High, the Most High is now "within" of that "without" in the Absolute Sense. From it life of the "without" can be eternally sustained by the Absolute Presence in its "within" of the Most High.
Thus, the way for Absolute Reciprocity is established.
It resembles communication between two equally equipped people who can reciprocate equally all that they have to offer to each other. This is the longing, the desire and the wish of true love and wisdom, and in the Absolute Sense it is the desire and longing of the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom.
Therefore, before the Most High all Her/His creation appears as one perfect sentient entity to whom She/He can relate as to His/Her own equal because, after all, it is His/Her "without" in which His/Her "within" resides from eternity to eternity.
Because of this structure, the beginning of any activity occurs in the innermost step and then proceeds through the all successive steps in beings and existences until it becomes real in the last physical or natural step. The realness of it is transmitted back from the outermost step through all preceding steps to its innermost step by a line of correspondence and thus is formed a base and foundation for initiation of a new activity, a new happening or a new creative effort. This new creative effort then, again, is transmitted down the line to the last step where it becomes realized, thus repeating the process always with new awareness of new learning, new realization, new initiation and new creative effort.
Although this process goes on forever, its content is never the same. Therefore, from this the following spiritual law has to be formulated:
The Most High continuously creates new things by and "within" Himself/Herself for the purpose of their transmission to "without" Himself/Herself where they, by the process of succession and discretion are continuously realized and become real.
Now, since this is the law and the procedure of creation it is necessary to have sentient entities from the very first moment of creation to its last step in one complete cycle of time. Because creation proceeds from the innermost to the outermost there are sentient entities who do not need to go through the natural, physical state unless they so choose.
Creation occurs, proceeds and becomes in successive order from the innermost to the outermost in one cycle of time. However, the same order follows in the process of creation of all cycles of time; all of them occur, proceed and become from the innermost cycle toward the outermost which cannot be reached to eternity because of the Absolute Nature of the Most High. The outermost cycle of time through its preceding cycles is always becoming. One cycle of time in the terms of humans of the planet Earth equals approximately one quintillion years. This time relates only to the outermost degree or physical universes.
Each cycle of time represents and corresponds to one spiritual state and process which is transmitted to creation in the Absolute Sense. As it exhausts its usefulness within that one cycle of time, it is used as a base and foundation for development of a higher spiritual order and its states and processes. Thus, the new cycle of time is coming into being and existence. But because it is built on the results, activities, experiences and happenings of the preceding cycle of time, the preceding cycle is the base and the foundation for everything that will occur, proceed and become in the next cycle of time. Thus, all sentient entities which partook in the being and existence of the preceding cycle of time must be retained to eternity at all levels of their steps because from them and from the cumulative sum of all their experiences and creative efforts the new cycle of time with all its sentient entities and their prospective environments is built.
In their entirety they become the innermost degree of the successive cycle of time. That is, the preceding cycle of time in its entirety becomes the innermost degree of a succeeding cycle of time from which its own new intermediate and external or physical degree is built. Thus, every cycle of time from the innermost to the outermost is within every succeeding cycle of time by and through their successive and simultaneous corresponding degrees.
Because the innermost degree of every successive cycle of time is the cumulative sum of all experiences, knowledges and accomplishments of the preceding cycles of time, it is possible to build a higher spiritual state and awareness within that new cycle of time which comes closer and closer to the Absolute Being and Absolute Existence of the Most High. Thus, every succeeding cycle of time, thanks to its preceding cycles and their accomplishments and creative efforts, is enabled to reach a higher degree of spirituality and awareness malting it more perfect in all respects, approaching more and more the same degree and level of proximity and identity to and with the Most High.
Because of the Absolute Nature of the Most High, this creative effort continues to eternity. Only in Absolute Numbers and Absolute Variations of creativeness can the Absolute Love and the Absolute Wisdom of the Most High be transmitted in the Absolute Sense. Since the Most High operates in every space and each time without space and without time - the Most High is Absolutely Spaceless and Absolutely Timeless and, therefore, ever-present in the Absolute Sense everywhere at any time - She/He perceives all His/Her creations from eternity and to eternity as occurring, proceeding and becoming here and now. In the eternal and infinite cumulative sum of all their beings and existences they appear to Him/Her as one perfect Absolute Sentient Entity to whom and with whom He/She is able to give, to share, to receive and to reciprocate with in the Absolute Sense.
This is one of the great mysteries of how the Absolute Most High can relate to Her/His creation relative to Him/Her in the Absolute Sense with Her/His Absolute Values. Because everyone is within everyone in successions of steps and cycles of time, and since the Most High is in the innermost by itself and within itself, everyone participates through the innermost degree of His/Her own existence and being on everyone else's experiences from eternity to eternity. By this way of experience everyone is a recipient of the Absolute Values of the Most High in their Absolute Sense.
Now, since experience can continue only in a line from the innermost to the outermost in all respects to eternity, it is necessary to have sentient entities on all levels and steps of being and existences and cycles of time from the very first step to the very last step in cycles of time, and within each cycle of time in successive and simultaneous order. Obviously, no other means could incorporate the possiblity of participating in Absolute Sharing, Giving, Receiving and Reciprocating with the Most High in the Absolute Sense and with Absolute Value. From this again stems the Absolute Value of every sentient entity. Thus, many sentient entities never need to be incarnated into a physical or natural state.
Every sentient entity carries within itself all principles of femininity and masculinity relative to their Absoluteness in the Most High. There is a continuous mutual interaction, exchange and unification of all their respective principles taking place. This process results in creativity. It starts in the innermost degree and radiates to the outermost degree within every sentient entity and within each successive step. This interaction, exchange and unification results in the greatest delight for all sentient entities because in it they experience their creation to the fullest.
The process of interaction, exchange and unification can be perceived as intercourse and at the most inner level sexual intercourse. Because of the unique nature of each principle of masculinity and femininity, true sexual intercourse is possible between the feminine and masculine principle in their respective outward forms of maleness and femaleness only if there is a physical split of these forms. One principle by itself without the other principle could not result in a creative process and, thus, could not live. Being, feminine principle, cannot be without its existence, masculine principle; existence, masculine principle, cannot exist without its being, feminine principle. Thus, separately, by themselves, they are not. They are only one by and through each other.
Because of the corresponding factors of masculine-feminine principles which are projected by assumption of a female or a male body in some levels of creation, true creative sexual intercourse is possible only between male and female and female and male. All other modes of sexual intercourse are unproductive, uncreative, lopsided and have no corresponding meaning. Therefore, they have no universal use. Homosexuality of human beings of the planet Earth is a result of human spiritual and consequent emotional and physical deterioration and has no basis in the innermost states, processes, levels, steps or degrees.
Once the exchange of activities in each principle is reciprocated, the act of acceptance and the act of giving results in the ultimate climax which corresponds to and is the base and the foundation for the climax and orgasm during sexual intercourse. This climax is the outcome of continuous exchange of all activities within the feminine and masculine principles so that creation of new ideas, new knowledges, new feelings, new motivations, and so on can take place, thus initiating the beginning and existence of a new successive order.
Therefore, the creation of each successive step takes place by the process of interaction, exchange and unification of all activities of the principles of femininity and masculinity within and among all sentient entities. This is the true, universal meaning of sexuality and sexual intercourse.
Because all creation follows a line from the innermost to the outermost in successive order, the birth of any successive step is impossible without the interaction, exchange and unification of all activities of the principles of femininity and masculinity of the preceding step by sentient entities at each spiritual and intermediate level. Thus, again, the existence of sentient entities who do not need to go through the natural, physical degree is shown.
This procedure of creation stems from the Most High who creates by the process of Absolute Interaction, Absolute Exchange and Absolute Unification of the Absolute Activities of Her/His Absolute Principles of Absolute Femininity and Absolute Masculinity.
Thus, each preceding step becomes parent to every succeeding step and each succeeding step is a child of every preceding step. And because the Most High gives birth to all creation by this process, She/He is the Absolute Mother and the Absolute Father of all from eternity to eternity. There is none besides Her/Him.
The creation of all sentient entities and their prospective environments takes place in the Absolute Freedom and Absolute Independency of the Most High by His/Her Absolute Choice. Because of this, all sentient entities are given a choice to be what they are and to exist in the way they exist in their own environment, freely and independently. As they accept their being and existence by their choice, they transmit that attitude in succession from the innermost to the outermost level, degree and step. Thus, on their own freedom, independency and resultant choice depend all freedom, independency, and resultant choice of each succeeding step. without this effort, no successive sentient entity could be or exist in freedom and independency by its own choice. And without such freedom, independency and choice there would be no life and no creation.
Because all creation occurs, proceeds and becomes in succession from the innermost to the outermost, it is necessary first to create free, independent choice-making sentient entities in the innermost step so that the continuous transmission of that freedom, independency and choice from the Most High can flow and continue in succession to the last level without any interruption. Therefore, not all sentient entities need to go through the natural state.
The Most High by Her/His very nature is the Absolute Providence itself. Since all Her/His operations take place in a timeless and spaceless condition, She/He is present and knows everything that is happening in every time, in every space and in every condition at every level and at every successive step of beings and existences from eternity to eternity. The operation of the Absolute Providence is always "within" and flows from "within" to "without". Because of its successive flow, the operation of the total cumulative sum of all sentient entities and their respective environments from eternity to eternity is occurring, proceeding and becoming by and through every sentient entity from the innermost step to the outermost or external step of the natural or physical degree.
Since the innermost degree of every sentient entity is the ultimate seat and place for the Most High in which the Most High resides as in Her/His own in successive and simultaneous order, it makes possible Her/His presence and governing of all and everything from eternity to eternity in the Absolute Sense. Thus, each successive step is governed by the Most High by and through the sentient entities of every preceding step. The presence of the Most High in the outermost degree and step would be impossible without the being and existence of the innermost degree and step and their respective sentient entities. The reason is that all governing goes from "within" to "without" and not from "without" to "within". "Without" does not exist by itself or in itself but only from "within". Any bypass of any level or step in succession, therefore, would create a total disorganization leading to the ultimate cessation of life.
Therefore, no sentient entity of the outermost step and degree could be or exist without the sentient entities of the innermost step and its innermost degrees and their successions.
Having established the reason, purpose and goal for creation of sentient entities in general, it is necessary now to consider the specific reasons, goals and purposes for creating human beings on the planet Earth.
In order to have full understanding of this issue it is vital to deal first with the procedure by which human beings were created and appeared on planet Earth.
At one point before the beginning of time and space, it was perceived in the Absolute Thought Process of the Most High that sometime in time and space, in one cycle of time, a certain question would be posed through the all-universal consciousness, and the appearance of that question would necessitate an answer. Any appearance of such a question initiates a process of its occurrence, proceeding and becoming and, therefore, any suitable answer to this question is possible by example only. Full realization of all this is possible through the natural step only so that the experience can have full impact through all spiritual worlds, all intermediate worlds, all universes, dimensions and all their prospective worlds, galaxies, solar systems and planets regardless of the time cycle they are in.
With this in mind, an idea, a plan, a scheme emerged within the Absolute Thought Process of the Most High from Her/His Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. Once the emergence of that idea, plan and scheme occurs, it proceeds to become, that is, to be realized. For that reason a suitable time, a suitable universe, a suitable galaxy, a suitable solar system and a suitable planet is created and preparation of that planet for the reception of human beings begins. The proper atmosphere for that particular purpose is established and a suitable environment is created. It is irrelevant how many millions or billions of years are required because the Most High operates from Absolute Timelessness and Absolute Spacelessness and is present in every space and each time. The next step in this procedure is the creation and preparation of a suitable prototype or blueprint by which an appropriate external degree or human body can be created. For this reason the evolution of non-sentient life forms is initiated on the planet Earth so that the most appropriate and the best possible external form can be evolved and used for that purpose. Thus, all kinds of plant and animal forms appear. They follow the evolutional line until an animal form emerges which is the closest approximate resemblance to that of a human body. That form is an ape-like non-sentient creature. Once it is established that the physical form of that ape-like creature is the most suitable one from the standpoint of incarnation of human beings, the evolutional line stops and does not proceed further.
At this point, by that prototype - not from that prototype - a physical body for human beings is built from the elements of Earth and from the specific ideas of the innermost and intermediate degrees of human beings in order to accommodate them comfortably in this environment.
This physical body becomes the external degree of human beings. Because it is from the elements of Earth and its nature formed by the ideas of the innermost and intermediate degrees, it may be called the Human Natural Degree. It is more perfect than the prototype ape-like creature.
As one can see from this, there is no natural link between creation of human body and any animal form on Earth including the prototype itself, because the human body didn't evolve from apes but from the prototype.
This is the reason that scientists' effort to find that link has been futile. No matter what they have found or will find in that sense is or will be only an approximation of the human form but not its true connection or link.
Once the physical body is prepared, the endowment, the enlightenment of the Most High with respect to that particular idea in His/Her Absolute Thought Process is projected into that body and it occurs, proceeds and becomes in its full realization as an incarnation. By that unique projection this endowment becomes the innermost or spiritual degree of every human being, which is called its spirit. By it, from it, and through it a human being is a true human being. Because that innermost degree is from the Most High, being His/Her endowment, it contains all categories, principles, attributes and derivatives of the Most High relative only to His/Her Absolute Nature. Because the Most High always is and is life Himself/Herself, therefore, any of His/Her ideas also live and are alive forever. And because the Most High is the Absolute "I Am", any idea or thought which emerges from that "I Am" becomes "I Am" relative to that Absolute "I Am" and, thus, every human being is a self-aware sentient entity. Therefore, the incarnated idea of a human being in that specific physical body becomes a living sentient entity, the true likeness and image of the Most High from whom it occurred, proceeded and became. From the innermost degree and its specific unique ideas an intermediate or interior degree of the human being is created which is called its mentality or "soul". Because its ideas are unique, specific and unrepeatable, each human being is created in a unique manner and with a unique appearance.
Since human beings are, thus, a true endowment of the Most High, in their original appearance on the planet Earth they did not evolve either spiritually, mentally, emotionally, intellectually or physically from any other known non-sentient living form of the planet Earth.
From this one can see that the theory of human beings evolving from apes, proposed by Darwin and his followers, is false. They were correct in assuming the evolution of non-sentient species up to the point when human beings appeared. But they did not understand that sentiency cannot evolve and proceed by evolution from non-sentient living forms. This is the reason why no natural evolutional changes from lower to higher forms have been occurring in any non-sentient forms for many thousands of years and why no non-sentient entity shows any tendency to become sentient. (Mutations still occur but only within species and not between species. Interestingly enough mutations occur so far only within so-called negative species.) The most they can become is only a feeble approximation of true sentiency.
Sentiency is the innermost spiritual state with its intermediate state for transformation of all its values from the Most High from which the outermost state is created. Because each state contains within itself a creative effort, the outermost state can initiate its own life forms by that power of creativity ingrained in it from the innermost degree. However, it is not capable of initiating and developing any sentiency because the outermost degree by itself and in itself does not possess any sentiency and, therefore, cannot produce any. All its life forms are, thus, non-sentient only. These non-sentient forms fulfill their use and function relative to the needs of human beings and maintenance of the proper ecology of the human natural environment as it was originally meant to be.
Now, this is the basic procedure by which human beings were originally created.
One can see from this procedure, again and again, that human beings in their essence and substance were, are and always will be totally, completely, utterly and absolutely spiritual beings. They possess within themselves all three levels and degrees as any other sentient entity: the innermost degree the spirit; the interior degree - the mentality or the soul; and the outermost degree - the body.
The appearance of human beings on the planet Earth as a result of endowment of the Most High happened approximately one hundred and forty million years ago, Earth time. There was the simultaneous appearance of four million people. All original four million people were androgynous. Their physical appearance was different from the present people. Their average height, for example, was approximately fourteen feet and the average weight about five hundred pounds. Because they all were the full endowment of the Most High, all knowledges of the universal consciousness accumulated by that time within that current cycle of time were directly available to them. All degrees and levels of their mind were open and mutually connected; so was access to all levels and steps of creation preceding their step. Therefore, they were in constant contact and communication from the innermost to the outermost with the spiritual world, the intermediated world and the natural world with all their dimensions and parallel existences.
Since all knowledge and its utilization was available to them, they were, from the very first moment of their appearance, spiritually, mentally, intellectually, emotionally and physically fully developed. At the same time, because of their access to all knowledges of the all-universal consciousness of this cycle of time up to that point, they were from the very beginning highly endowed psychically (with mind control), scientifically and technologically. They knew all the laws by which the spiritual world, intermediate world and natural world were governed. They were, therefore, all members of a spiritual, intermediate, universal, galactic and all-cosmic family. They were in continuous contact with all galaxies and solar systems of their own universe both by psychic and spiritual means and by technological means through interstellar travel. They were not limited by speed of light. Since spiritual laws supersede natural laws, it was not then difficult to exceed the speed of light. They visited many other worlds and they were visited by many other worlds and sentient entities. They communicated directly with the Most High in assisting and serving Her/Him in the preparation of specific conditions on the planet Earth for which it was designated from before the beginning of time.
When they were incarnated on the planet Earth, the planet Earth had a different configuration. There was only one huge continent in the middle of the ocean with a constant, mild, pleasant, tropical climate. ho negative or harmful animal forms or plant forms existed at that time. People were in perfect health and diseases or accidents were unknown. Their average life span was about five thousand years. The population was kept constant and did not exceed the original number. There was no procreation. When someone fulfilled one's mission and purpose of being on the Earth, that one simply left the body and was transited to the intermediate world for the balancing of ideas and evaluation of experiences. After making further choices in regard to its placement and position in the spiritual world, that one transited itself there for permanent residence to perform duties assumed originally on the planet Earth, the duty being to maintain the link, the line and the contact with the people of Earth in view of the plan, the scheme for which people volunteered within the Absolute State and Absolute Process of the Most High before the beginning of time. By performing that duty the continuous overall and specific correspondence could be maintained with people of Earth throughout all levels and steps of being and existence, enabling them to proceed with fulfillment of their goal and purpose within the original plan.
Because of their unity of purpose and the availability of all knowledge, the original people of Earth spoke one universal language, the language which is spoken at all levels, steps and dimensions of all beings in existence. They were one nation, one people. Their speech was internal and did not utilize their vocal cords.
The structure of their government was patterned on the structure of the government in the spiritual world. It consisted of seven members of the Highest Council; each was selected by the Most High and the Most High always presided in that Council. The seven members of the Council were equal to one another and in that which they represented in the Council. The Most High was the President.
Each member represented a different important activity of human life. These activities were considered equal and there was no rivalry, jealousy or ambition to consider themselves better in comparison with others among them. All negative emotions were unknown to them at that time. Neither was there experience or knowledge of negative emotions available in the universal consciousness. For whatever was transmitted in the universal consciousness at that time came from the Most High in the Ultimate and Absolute Sense. The Most High, being the Absolute Positive in all respects cannot produce anything negative even in a relative sense. Therefore, such negative emotions were not known to anyone at that time.
The seven members of the High Council represented the following areas of human activities: spirituality and religion; philosophy; social science; all art; natural science and technology; political science and law; and economics. The Council of Seven appointed governing bodies under the auspices of the Most High for all respective general areas of human activities. Each of these seven areas was governed by a Council of Twelve which reported to its President who was the High Member of the High Council of which the Most High was the President. The twelve members of the Council of their respective areas of responsibility appointed others for governing each respective area of activity in successive order.
Because all human beings at this point had the same goal, purpose and desire to serve the Most High for Her/His higher purpose, no one felt or ever considered oneself to be in a subservient position. All were equal. In the process of governing they all progressed through all positions at one time or another from being a member of the Highest Council of Seven to a simple producer or worker in assigned and chosen activities. Nothing was forced, nothing demanded, nothing and no one manipulated. All had equal opportunities to be what they wanted to be.
The rotation of positions gave them a great and delightful opportunity to Team all aspects of governmental structure from the innermost to the outermost position. This even more unified their common purpose and goal. There were no political parties or systems of voting, and no law enforcement because the laws were inherent in them. Political science and laws were utilized to establish proper and adequate relationships among themselves, especially and particularly with respect to other planets, galaxies and their respective sentient entities. Because each culture on other planets was different from their own, they established proper relationships with them and learned proper forms of communication and behaviors. They appointed ambassadors to each system and they received ambassadors from each system.
Once anyone fulfilled one's original purpose and mission of being on the planet Earth and after one transited to the spiritual world, that one was immediately replaced by the next one in line through endowment from the Most High to continue in the process of preparation. This process continued until the next step developed, which was the split of androgyny into male and female physical forms.
Before the need for this split is considered it is necessary to establish the general reasons, purposes and goals for the creation of human beings on the planet Earth.
The fullness of any experience which is initiated in the innermost step of being and existence and, thus, ultimately in the Most High is possible only through the last step of the cycle which is called the natural step. Each step has its own innermost, intermediate and outermost degree. Each degree in itself has its own innermost, intermediate and outermost degree. This process continues, that is, each degree having its own innermost, intermediate, and outermost degree, to infinity. In this manner the Most High can project Her/His Absolute Value to Her/His creation in the Absolute Sense.
Thus, the natural step - being the outermost of being and existence of each cycle of time - has its own innermost, intermediate and outermost degree. From its innermost which corresponds to the innermost of its preceding degree in the preceding steps, it has creative abilities and all other categories. The more outward one goes, the fuller and more complete the experience and realization of any activity will be. Thus, in the most outward degree or in the outermost step it will have its fullest realization. As it proceeds back to the innermost degree of the innermost step it can be now fully utilized as a base and foundation for initiation of the next creative effort in succession.
The planet Earth and its people represent in the hierarchy of spiritual organization this outermost degree of the outermost step of the natural world just as skin of the human body is outermost. In them the fullness of creative effort of all else can be manifested to the fullest and most complete degree. Because of corresponding factors and the interconnection of all steps, levels, conditions and their degrees, all sentient entities have, therefore, the opportunity to experience this fullness of their creative effort through and by the people of the Earth, thanks to their specific position in the Grand Man. As mentioned before, without such experience further initiation of the new creative effort would not be possible because the result and the outcome of every such effort would be lacking. Where there is no result and no outcome of such effort there is no motivation to proceed; where there is no motivation, stagnation occurs; where stagnation occurs there is death.
Thus, people of the planet Earth, by their position, were and are the result and the outcome of any creative effort which occurs in the innermost step and in its innermost degrees and proceeds through all successive degrees and through successive steps and through all their own successive degrees until this creative effort appears in the outermost degree of the outermost step of creation which is the planet Earth with its human beings.
Any question which is posed to and through the all-universal consciousness must be answered in its fullness in the language of correspondences so that all sentient entities throughout all beings and existences can understand it. Therefore, the answer can be given only by the living example or manifestation of the content of such an answer, which can take place only in the outermost degree of the outermost step of creation.
Because planet Earth was given a specifically chosen position to correspond to this purpose in the hierarchy of spiritual organization and because Earth's people volunteered to undergo such a particular state and process, they became the experimental stage on which the answers to any such questions were portrayed by real living (outermost/natural) example. All sentient entities in being and existence, thus, had an opportunity to watch and to learn the answers to all such questions in vivo and in experientio through human beings on this Earth.
The Absolute Love and the Absolute Wisdom of the Most High can be experienced and appreciated as an Absolute Unconditional Quality only in a state and condition of the outermost degree of the outermost step of the natural world where it comes to its fullest and the most valuable fruition by virtue of the nature of that state and condition. Thus, the Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom of the Most High toward and in human beings of the planet Earth by their very position became the ultimate expression of its Absolute and Unconditional Nature.
Without such manifestation, no experience of the quality of the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom would be possible for sentient entities. That would undermine the acceptance of Absolute Nature of the Most High's qualities. Because all sentient entities, without exception, participate through interconnection of all successive and simultaneous levels, steps and degrees of mankind's experiences of such Absolute Qualities of the Most High's nature, they are enabled to be in the fullness of their state, process, being and existence. By this they really are what they are.
In the outermost degree of the outermost successive step, in which are the people of Earth, the relativeness to the Absolute Nature of the Most High is the greatest in this cycle of time. The proximity to the Most High is at the least level of similarity and the degree of sameness with the Most High is the least intense or is near the vanishing point. From this stems the necessity of a greater concentration and intensification of all power and potency of the Most High to be manifested in Earth's natural state and, thus, greater realization of Her/His ultimate presence. The greater realization of the Most High's ultimate presence in Her/His creation, the greater benefit and opportunity all sentient entities have for their higher spiritual development and progress; and the greater the degree of their spiritual development and progress, the closer they are to the Most High . From this closer proximity to the Most High they become more and more sentient and more and more themselves, thus becoming more and more the likeness and image of the Most High.
Without the existence and being of the outermost degree of the outermost step (people of the planet Earth) such manifestation and its experience could not be possible. Hence this is one of the purposes and goals of human existence and being on the planet Earth.
The effectiveness, the purpose and the goal of Absolute Providence of the Most High and of its governing principles can be understood, comprehended and fully applied by all sentient entities and beings in existence only through and by the outermost degree of the outermost step of the natural world, that is, the planet Earth and its people. Here it can be acted out in the fullness of its applicability throughout everything that is happening on that planet.
Because of their most relative position to the Absolute State, they require a greater degree of providential governing through so-called accidental occurrences. Such seemingly accidental occurrences are possible only at the outermost degree of the outermost step of being and existence. The fuller their manifestation in the reality of such occurrences, the greater opportunity for participation of all sentient entities to govern their own life and their own world by the realized wisdom of the Most High's Divine Providence.
Because of their most outward position in the hierarchy of spiritual organization, which is presently in being and existence within this cycle of time, people of the planet Earth are the base and foundation for many spiritual events which could not come into realization without them and their position. Thus, the all-universal consciousness from the Most High, which is the cumulative sum of all living experiences of all beings and existences and all laws and conditions and states of all successive and simultaneous steps in all dimensions, would be deprived of certain knowledges which are vital for the successful building of the next higher spiritual step and awareness.
The Most High, by creating such a condition, provided in Her/His ultimate love and wisdom all sentient entities with such an opportunity for continuous Teaming in and through the alluniversal consciousness, from which they all can draw continuously.
Any and all experiences of people of the planet Earth, no matter what they may be, become instantly apparent to the all-universal consciousness in the entirety of these experiences. Because all sentient entities have access to such experiences, it is not necessary to repeat anything of such nature anywhere else in existence and being. Thus, everyone in all creation learns by human experiences without being incarnated on the planet Earth in the human physical body. Such ability protects the integrity and uninterrupted continuation of all activities and processes to which each sentient entity, in its
level and in its step and in its world by its freedom of choice, is assigned. If every sentient entity in creation had to personally go through every single experience (as do human beings) the spiritual, mental or physical progress, growth and betterment of all else in creation would be impossible.
Since any experience of any human being in all its intensity, quality and degree in its entirety is placed within the all-universal consciousness, any other sentient entity can assume temporarily that experience for the purpose of teaming without the need to incarnate for it.
People of the planet Earth originally had the same access to the all-universal consciousness from the Most High, but they lost direct access to it for the purpose of their special state which they were allowed to create. The access to it now is indirect only by means of correspondences, symbolism, dreams and various altered states of consciousness. The reason for this state will be discussed in the next chapter.
The fullness, the extent and the intensity of the realization of the freedom of choice and independent creative effort of all sentient entities would not be possible without the ultimate manifestation of such freedom of choice and independency in the outermost degree of the outermost step. Only in the fullness of such state and process can all consequences of such free choice and independency be completely discerned, perceived and comprehended. Because all is fully realized in the ultimate degree of experience, and all consequences of such experiences are capable of appearing de facto only in the outermost degree of the outermost step of the natural world where the planet Earth and its people are, without provision of their being and existence as they are no such important and necessary experience would be available to other sentient entities. Without such experience no knowledge of consequences of free choice would be possible. And without such knowledge, no choice would be possible. Without choice, no freedom and independency would be possible. And without freedom and independency, no life and, thus, no sentient entity would be possible.
Hence, this is one of the reasons, purposes and goals of human existence.
The realization of the ultimate importance of spiritual principles, which are the foundation and base of all existences and beings, would not be fully possible without the intensity and fullness of their experience. The outermost degree of the outermost step is the most remote from that spiritual awareness by its very nature. Therefore, it requires immense intensification of all spiritual effort to bring itself to the full awareness of humans. The means by which it is done is of such an external nature that it becomes possible for spirituality to manifest itself in the most material and practical representations. In this manner, the ultimate importance of spirituality can be illustrated even in the most remote material and non-spiritual areas of human activities. Any such activity, because of its original initiation in the innermost - spiritual, always has a spiritual correspondence. By this discovery, all sentient entities manifestly learn that there is only one ultimate reality from which everything originates - spirituality.
The behavior of humans and their thought processes, by the nature of their position in the outermost degree of the outermost successive step of being and existence, is mostly concrete and represented in physical actions and reactions. This concreteness becomes a foundation and base on which symbolism of all ideas and thoughts of preceding steps and their degrees can be reflected, tried out and experienced. Thus, thanks to the concreteness of human behavior and human thought processes and their actions and reactions, no idea, no thought, no symbol of any degree or step is ever lost, but finds its realization in them by their choice. By its realization it becomes alive and functional, and is incorporated into the eternal possession of the all-universal consciousness from the Most High for the purpose of spiritual teaming, growth and progression of all sentient entities.
Because humans of the planet Earth are by their free choice in the outermost degree of the outermost successive step of creation, they are subject to the equal influence of all levels and steps of creation, including the outermost degree of their outermost level. The production of such influence stems from the nature of each level. The more inner influence from the innermost, the more spiritual awareness; the more influence from the outermost, the less spiritual awareness. Total influence of the outermost degree of the outermost level nullifies virtually all spiritual awareness. By such broad degrees of spiritual influences and their consequences in human life, all sentient entities may experience simultaneously all levels from the innermost spiritual to the outermost of the least spiritual. This contributes immensely toward their overall spiritual awareness, spiritual growth, progress and betterment without the necessity for incarnation into such concrete levels of experience. Without humans and their degrees and states of awareness, this would be impossible. !t would be a tremendous limitation of creative sentient entities.
Such position and freedom as described above provides humans with an unusual number of choices to make and to experience. The total cumulative sum of all human choices and experiences is a base, a foundation on which the next higher spiritual development of mankind can and will be built. This, in turn, becomes a base and a foundation for all creation to proceed to its next successive step of spiritual development toward higher spiritual awareness and toward the assumption of a closer higher position relative to the Most High.
The Most High, before the beginning of time and space, foresaw that such a position for human beings as described above would eventually lead to choices in the direction of the influence of the outermost degree of the outermost successive steps of creation. For the sake of freedom of all creation such choice is necessary, and human beings volunteered in the Absolute Thought Process of the Most High for such a mission, fully aware of the peril and danger of such a choice.
The more one turns and listens to the influence of the most external degree of the outermost level or successive step, the more one turns away from spirituality and the less spiritual one becomes.
Up to this point in time, no negative state or process of experience existed. The Most High cannot have a negative thought or state within Herself/Himself because of Her/His Absolute Nature. Whatever is Absolute is always positive. Whatever is positive is always from the Absolute. The negative state is a by-product, an emanation of the energy of a thought or idea which emerges from the outermost degree of the outermost successive step when human beings allow themselves to be influenced by lesser spirituality.
Such a by-product has no reality in itself but is the outcome of the question: What is it like to be without any spirituality?
The by-product of that question results in a negative state. Such a question never can emerge from the Absolute Condition of the Most High because it is contrary to His/Her Absolute Spiritual Nature. Full and complete spirituality cannot conceive of the idea of no spirituality. However, the question is foreseen and the opportunities are provided for answering that question so that the learning and experience of it may come to fruition. In foresight of that question, a special state and condition was created and volunteers sought and found in the state and condition of the people of the planet Earth.
The highest spiritual reason, purpose and goal of the people of the planet Earth is the possibility which they present to the Most High for Her/His own incarnation in the form of a human being for accomplishment of His/Her own plan.
The Most High cannot come into touch by any means with a negative state. It is contrary to His/Her nature. Should the Most High come directly in touch with the negative state, the negative state would instantly perish with all those who created it. By doing so the Most High would be destroying human beings in whose innermost degrees She/He is like in Her/His own. After all, the Most High is Absolute Life. The Absolute Life cannot destroy any life because by destroying life She/He would be destroying Herself/Himself. Another point is that by destroying that negative state, the question of what it is like to be without spirituality could never be answered. Yet it would continue to exist in the all-universal consciousness. Once any question is uttered anywhere, it instantly finds its way to the alluniversal consciousness where it seeks its answer.
In order to resolve the problem of the negative state, it is necessary for the Most High to come into touch with it so that it can be properly harnessed and utilized for an ultimate good purpose no matter how dire interim consequences of that state are or will be. For that purpose, people of the planet Earth are created from their voluntary free choice, and special conditions are provided so that the Most High can assume such a form allowing Her/Him to come in complete touch with a negative state without destroying it by Her/His presence.
Moreover, by assuming the ultimate degree of the outermost successive step, the Most High became in reality the fullest Herself/Himself. This reality was within Him/Her only in potential. By this He/She gives an opportunity to all creation for all cycles of times from eternity to eternity to be in contact with Her/Him on a very personal level. This gives to all sentient entities a very concrete idea of what it is to be like the Most High. The knowledge and the experience of the Most High in person enables every sentient entity to be more and more like the Most High and, thus, to be more and more itself.
This is one of the outcomes of the Most High's Absolute Love and Absolute Wisdom. This is the highest spiritual reason, goal and purpose of the existence of human beings on the planet Earth and their spiritual, mental and natural degrees.
As mentioned previously, the first people who were incarnated on the planet Earth were androgynous. There are several reasons why it was necessary to start existence of mankind with this form:
All creation occurs, proceeds and becomes from the innermost degree to the outermost in successive steps. This is true also in respect to every and each successive step and its respective simultaneous degrees. This is true also in respect to each degree separately. The innermost degree of any element is a representation of the nature of the Most High who is Absolutely Androgynous. It reflects the Absolute Presence of all principles in their entirety in that element. Since on the planet Earth, one is dealing with the outermost successive degree of the outermost successive step, its ultimate and concrete representation is required. Because of the nature of its position in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization of the planet Earth and its inhabitants, no other form was feasible at that time. The androgynous form is a concrete and ultimate illustration and representation of the state of the innermost unity of all principles from which all else proceeds to become after its occurrence.
In the concreteness and the ultimateness of the representative nature of people of the planet Earth it is necessary to ingrain a concrete idea of the unity and oneness of the Most High. On such an idea depends the outcome of the entire spiritual destiny of mankind. To illustrate that the Most High is one and not several Absolute Sentient Entities, it is necessary in the concreteness of the presentation to create a similar entity which will be the ultimate natural replica of the Most High.
By the concreteness and ultimateness of this experience, human individual universal consciousness acquires and retains the idea of that Oneness. If mankind had begun with two separate forms - one mate and one separate female - by virtue of their concrete state in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization they could never have acquired and retained the idea of one Most High; but, instead, the idea of more than one Most High would be ingrained in them. The idea of a plural Most High is the most horrid and devastating concept to the alluniversal consciousness because such an idea could not sustain the unity of all universes and all dimensions in being and existence. Regardless of what people think and believe outwardly, inwardly, in their Inner Mind (in its part which is called the universal consciousness) by virtue of concrete representation of the Oneness of the Most High in the form of androgynous people of the planet Earth, there is always a correct idea of the One Absolute Most High. In this inner idea the Most High is continuously in people as in His/Her own. If such an idea were lacking, the Most High could not be in them. If the Most High were not present in the people, they could not survive. If they could not survive, the Most High's plan would not come to fruition. If it could not come to fruition, the whole creation would begin to disintegrate.
In androgynous people there is a complete unification and integration of all the principles of masculinity and femininity and their respective corresponding factors: unification and integration of being and existence, state and process, essence and substance, love and wisdom, good and truth, will and reason, feeling and thinking, motivation and intelligence, potency and knowledge, freedom and independency, spacelessness and timelessness, warmth and light and the resultant Oneness of all derived from these principles of unification which is life, encompassment, selfawareness, mind, providence, activity, dynamism, creativity, choice, presence, emanation, and so on. The experience of such unity of all categories is vitally important because it points to one absolute source that cannot be fragmented. Any attempt to fragment damages the system and its very life. The idea of such unity of all categories, represented and illustrated in the form of the androgynous people, could not be ingrained into the universal consciousness of the human Inner Mind if the first inhabitants of the Earth had been split into two forms, feminine and masculine. By the concreteness and ultimateness of their representation, the idea would be formed and ingrained forever that everything is separate and that no unification or integration is possible. Such an idea of separation would lead to the lack of any motivation. That would destroy mankind and the purpose it serves in the Great Plan of the Most High.
The androgynous condition of the original people on Earth allowed the concrete and ultimate representation and illustration of equality of the principle of femininity and masculinity. This leads to the formation of a correct idea of absolute unity and equality in all respects of feminine and masculine qualities of human beings. This idea is permanently ingrained into the universal consciousness of people's Inner Mind and it is a base, a foundation on which the relationship of these two principles is built.
This idea points out the fact that there is only one positive state and process in being and existence in one manifestation and its sustenance and that there is only a continuity between femininity and masculinity, not a difference. Neither one can be conceived of as superior or inferior to the other. Because by the unification and oneness of these two principles all else can be. Masculinity by itself without femininity is nothing. Femininity by itself without masculinity is nothing. Because of their equality together they can be something. In this respect it is a fallacy to consider one principle weaker or inferior to the other one. This fallacy and from it the subsequent status of women on Earth was the result of human spiritual deterioration, reasons for which will be discussed in the forthcoming chapters.
If the original people of the Earth had been created in separate forms - male and female - no such idea as described above could be ingrained into people's Inner Mind and, thus, no maintenance of life would be possible.
The unification and integration of all principles of femininity and masculinity in the androgynous form, by its concrete and ultimate representation and illustration in the outermost degree, ingrained in people's Inner Mind the permanent idea of the true notion and meaning of spiritual marriage in general and human marriage in particular. Since an androgyne is already married from within by the fact of the containment of femininity and masculinity and all its physical characteristics in a unified state within itself, the true meaning of marriage is only a spiritual one, which is the unity of the human mind and all its principles.
This unity is determined by the same degree of sharing and exchange of principles in an ultimate bond which, in tum, can be shared with someone else who is similarly thus unified. Anything else apart from this cannot be considered marriage but only convenience of traditions and conventions which in themselves have no base in reality of any being and existence. For that reason, at present, no true marriage exists. True marriage cannot exist because it is based on the inequality of sexes as the principle of its negative state. Since femininity and masculinity in themselves are always positive and equal, no such occurrence can proceed and become in the state of negative origin, resulting in an unequal relationship. Unequal relationship or position is no relationship at all. (This state of marriage has existed for thousands of years).
However, the meaning of true marriage is ingrained in the human Inner Mind by the fact of the concrete and ultimate existence of androgynous people through whom such equality, unity, integration and spirituality was represented and illustrated. In that idea of equality of humans the Most High is as in Her/His own. By Her/His presence, people have a chance and a choice to become in a spiritual sense what they originally were before their spiritual deterioration. Lack of such an idea would make this impossible. This would lead mankind to ultimate spiritual and physical doom.
The concrete and ultimate representation and illustration of androgynous people of the planet Earth made it possible that the right idea of sexuality could exist in the human Inner Mind.
True sexual intercourse is possible only by the exchange and sharing of all principles of femininity and masculinity on an equal basis. The giving and simultaneous receiving of the full and equal amount of experience produces a correspondential climax or orgasm from which a new, better, higher awareness and principle of truth and good is born. Therefore, true sexual intercourse is possible only between male and female and female and male. There is no outward need to have physical sexual intercourse between two androgynous beings because they experience it continuously within themselves by the sharing, exchanging and unification of their own femininity and masculinity. This individual experience is then transmitted to the prospective feminine and masculine principles of others by means of internal spiritual and mental projection which results in their own physical reaction. Thus, everyone's feminine principle is shared with everyone's masculine principle and everyone's masculine principle is shared with everyone's feminine principle. No sharing of masculine principles with masculine principles and feminine principles with feminine principles is conceivable or possible because within the androgyne there is only one feminine and one masculine principle for sharing and not two and two. If one principle were to share with the same principle it would be sharing with oneself which is no sharing at all. Therefore, no true spiritual or physical use could be derived from such one-sided or lopsided attempts.
The first people illustrated and represented to mankind through ingrained concrete ideas that true sexual intercourse with all its spiritual, mental and physical connotations is possible only through the unification of femininity and masculinity regardless of the number of such choices. And since such union requires full equality of sharing, giving and receiving of all its mutual spiritual, mental and physical principles, its true result and impact is possible only between mature, equal, spiritually-minded women and men. Thus, sexual desire or/and sexual intercourse with any other partner than of the opposite sexual, mental, spiritual and mature physical characteristics is not from the Oneness and Unity of the Positive State and has no correspondence and, thus, no ultimate use because it is uncreative and unproductive.
If the original people of Earth had been incarnated in the split forms of the male and female, such an idea of unification would not be possible for them because of the concreteness and ultimateness of their representation and no true sharing could occur. That would prevent the major principles of life from being actualized, which would lead to cessation of life itself.
The result of true sexual intercourse in its spiritual, mental and physical connotation is a higher self-awareness and birth of a new, better understanding of the absoluteness of the union of femininity and masculinity. Such ideas are the true children of such sexual intercourse. This is the reason why no physical children are produced by such relations within the androgynous people. At that time, the creation of new members of human society continued by the direct creative effort of the Most High through Her/His direct endowment. New members were created from the ideas which are born by such relationships.
Thus, it is false and erroneous to assume that the true purpose of sexuality and sexual intercourse is the procreation of physical children or species. The Most High can create children from stones if necessary. The true purpose of sexual intercourse is a continuous striving for the Absolute Unification of all spiritual, mental and physical categories, principles and their derivatives of femininity and masculinity. This results in the continuous birth of new ideas of greater, better and stronger unity of the spiritual self, a more appropriate self-concept and self-image which brings one closer and closer to the likeness and image of the Most High. In the Most High there is Absolute Unity and Oneness of Her/His Absolute Femininity and Absolute Masculinity to which all else is approximated.
On the other hand, the continuous striving of all sentient entities is to be more and more like the Most High, through such means as sexual intercourse (if it is undertaken for such purpose only) of men to women and women to men. In the total cumulative sum of such strivings of all sentient entities the giving, sharing, receiving and reciprocation of the Most High's Absolute Nature is made possible in the Absolute Sense. Because the Most High is in such striving or such motivated sexual intercourse as in Her/His own, He/She makes love to all Her/His sentient entities continuously. By this act the creative effort and striving in all creation is continuously preserved from eternity to eternity.
Since androgynous people illustrated and represented the true purpose of sexuality by their example, the true idea of sexuality could be preserved and used in the Inner Mind of human beings. If incarnated in separate forms, the concreteness of such incarnation would lead mankind to believe in two separate purposes of existence and no desire for conjunction and birth of new spiritual ideas could occur and come into existence. This would give them no motivation for growth, progress and betterment or for improvement of their self-concept and self-image. This would create a condition of stagnation resulting in ultimate death.
The completeness and unification of all principles of femininity and masculinity in androgyne form in its concrete and ultimate manifestation represent the idea of the fullness of sentient entities. The true and meaningful relationship of one sentient entity to another is possible only on the basis of its fullness. One cannot relate only partially or by separate principles since all else is involved. Because of the interconnection and unity of all principles, if one principle in the iv relationship is lacking they all are lacking and no relationship takes place. This is a very important idea to have in the universal consciousness of the human Inner Mind because on this is based the whole concept of relatedness, attitudes and expression of all creation. The androgyne form represents and illustrates in concrete and ultimate form such relatedness, attitudes and expressions. It also illustrates concretely that the Most High, in whose likeness and image a sentient entity is created, relates to all Her/His creation from the Absolute Fullness of Her/His Absolute State and Absolute Process. This, in turn, motivates all sentient entities to strive for fullness of their expression, relatedness and attitudes. Without such an idea there would be no motivation to strive for that fullness and, thus, no need to be more and more oneself. This idea is the base and foundation which brings every sentient being toward more and more becoming oneself.
The concrete unification of principles of femininity and masculinity that appeared in one form of androgyne on the planet Earth leads to the foundation of another important concrete idea. All new ideas which are born as a result of spiritual, mental and physical sexual intercourse within that One, have only one source of origination and not two separate sources. Therefore, there is no one separate mother and one separate father but motherhood and fatherhood is the result of the Absolute Unification of all principles of femininity and masculinity from the Most High in whom they are in the Absolute State and Absolute Process. Thus, the Most High is the only true Mother and Father in One to all Her/His creation and there is no one other in being and existence.
The separate original appearance of two human forms in concreteness of their ideas on the planet Earth would have led to the formation of the false idea that there are two separate Absolute Most Highs, one male and one female. Such an idea would have led to confusion and the separation of the unity of all, which would have resulted in cessation of all life.
The appearance of the innermost degree in a concrete and ultimate androgyne form leads to the creation of the innermost degree of the human mind which is called the Inner Mind. The Inner Mind, by virtue of the nature of that degree, contains all ideas and experiences of all states and processes of being and existence of preceding steps in their fullness and totality. Nothing is lacking. It became necessary to have such a degree within man's mind because otherwise no correction of the consequences of human spiritual deterioration could have been possible. Because of mankind's position in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization, such a correction is possible by example only. All examples of total spirituality, unification, oneness, creativity and all else is available to them by reason of the fact that it was completely experienced and manifested by the existence and being of the first androgynous people. All such experiences were permanently ingrained and imprinted in the Inner Mind of all people from the beginning of their being and existence. They became an example of the possibility of such experience and a base for the evocation of a longing to revert back to true spirituality.
So one can see that the Most High proceeded with a higher purpose in mind when She/He incarnated people in androgyne form on the planet Earth.
The completion of its final mission and assignment, which mankind has by its outermost position, would not be possible without such concrete and ultimate representation and illustration as can be found in the totality of fullness of all principles within androgynous people. Because of preservation of that experience in the human Inner Mind there is a continuous connection of all systems, levels, dimensions, worlds and all preceding steps of existence and being with mankind's concurrent experience. Thus, by that experience the answer to that initial question is being answered on an alluniversal scale throughout all dimensions. Without such connections, no use could be derived for any one from this experience.
Because of the representative nature of the androgyne as the innermost degree of mankind, people of this Earth, in turn, have continuous freedom of choice to open communication with the universality of it all if they so choose. Thus, the mutual benefit of such a condition can be discerned and actualized. This is a base and foundation for the possibility of re-establishing true spirituality in mankind.
The preparation for such a mission by mankind can be made only from the innermost level and degree of fullness through a gradual receding from such fullness. By virtue of this fact, no recession is possible by itself and of itself because it I would then have its separate being and existence which would make it fullness instead of recession from fullness. Thus, any negative state must be a recession from the positive state since no negative state exists. The fullness of the true spiritual state and process which is represented and illustrated in a concrete form of androgyne is the only positive reality. All else recedes from it becoming less and less spiritual. Thus, it was necessary to start on the planet Earth with the fullness of a spiritual state so that a gradual recession to less spirituality could follow in order that the answer to that specific question might be discovered.
One cannot state that no Most High exists unless She/He truly exists. No idea of non-existence could emerge unless there is an idea of such existence. No reality is impossible without true reality. Negation from the state of negation is impossible because it doesn't exist. What doesn't exist cannot be negated. Therefore, any negative state and its evil is a constant proof and reminder that positive and good exist. Every atheist who denies the existence of the Most High continuously reaffirms the Most High's existence by that denial. One cannot deny something or even have an idea of denial if that something is not. Thus, any negative evil state ultimately serves a good purpose. This is one of the justifications for an evil state being tolerated by the Most High.
The origin of all activities and happenings always takes place in the innermost state and in the process of being and existence. Any activity or happening must originate in the fullness of all available alternatives. Without this condition no activities, happenings and choices are possible. The concrete and ultimate representation and illustration of such a condition is in the incarnated androgynous people of Earth. This position, as the innermost degree of mankind, enables origination and realization of all creative effort in mankind. Because the present position of mankind in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization is the outermost of the outermost, without such androgynous experience (by and through its corresponding factors of fullness and innermostness), no activity, no experience and no realization of the Most High's plans would be possible. Without it no learning would be possible. Without learning no progress would be possible.
Without progress no life would be possible.
The continuous manifestation of the presence of the Most High in all occurs, proceeds and becomes in successive steps from the innermost step and its simultaneous degrees to the outermost step and its simultaneous degrees. As mentioned previously, each degree has its own innermost, intermediate and outermost degree. The innermost of every degree corresponds to and carries everything from the innermost of each particular step which, in turn, corresponds to the innermost of the Absolute Degree of the Most High. Thus, the Most High can be present in the innermost of each degree, no matter how outermost it is, as in Her/His own. This enables Her/His continuous presence with every human being no matter how negative or evil that human being is. Since everyone's innermost degree is built from the original state and condition of the first androgynous people of Earth, without their existence no person on the Earth would be equipped with such a degree. Without such a degree there would be no place for the Most High to reside. Without such residence, no one on the Earth could have any life.
From that innermost spiritual degree in which the Most High is as in Her/His own, everyone lives, thinks, wills, reasons, chooses, acts and behaves. Therefore, one can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one lives, breathes, thinks, wills, reasons, chooses, acts, behaves, and so on from and by the Most High. The denial of this fact only serves to prove that such is the case.
The presence of the Most High in everyone is the source, the base and foundation from which the Most High can initiate any necessary changes so that people may return to their own true spiritual selves.
These are the reasons, purposes and goals as to why it was necessary to start mankind with the incarnation of androgynous people on the planet Earth.
The next step in preparation for the mission of mankind was the necessity to split people in two separate physical forms - male and female. There are several reasons for this.
The first state of mankind is the state of internals or innermost degrees represented, illustrated and manifested by complete unity, integration and oneness of all spiritual, mental and physical principles by and through their respective degrees. Because mankind, within the succession of steps and within the general cycle of time, corresponds to the outermost degree of the outermost step, all realization of ideas must have an ultimate and concrete form. Thus, such spiritual, mental and physical unity, integration and oneness appears in external forms of people, that is, the androgynous form. Because of its position and representation of the innermost spiritual degree of mankind which is the source, the core and nucleus of all other proceedings and becomings, this state and condition is the state and condition of complete spirituality. No other situation is possible here. The completeness of spirituality is necessary in order that from it the following degree can be built in succession and in its states and processes. Nothing can be built on or proceed from any other state or process. This is a major and one of the most important laws of principles of creation, being and existence: whatever is, whatever exists by itself and in itself by such being and existence, is absolutely spiritual. Because it is in itself and by itself, it is in Absolute Self-Awareness; therefore, it is in the Most High. The Most High, being and existing in the Absolute Sense, is thus a center, a core, a nucleus from which all else occurs, proceeds and becomes. Since She/He is timeless and spaceless and is Absolute Pure Thought and Absolute Pure Consciousness in Absolute Awareness of the Absolute "I Am", She/He is Absolute Spirituality. Thus follows the statement that any innermost degree corresponds to the innermost Absolute Nature of the Most High and is relative only to Her/Him.
This correspondence is valid in any state, process, level, step or degree because they all are built on this principle: from the innermost to the outermost, that is, from the state that corresponds to the complete spirituality to the state of the outermost of that spirituality. Thus, a complete and total spirituality was manifested in the first state and process of mankind, represented and illustrated by the complete androgyne physical form. In the state and process of total and complete spirituality, no other direct experience of totality, unity, integration and oneness of spirituality is possible. It cannot be its own intermediate, transitional state and even less it cannot be its own outermost non-spiritual degree.
But since the question of non-spirituality can arise only from the basically non-spiritual state of the outermost degree and the answer to that question thus has to be given and illustrated by example in this particular degree, the innermost degree by itself and in itself could not provide proper conditions for its realization. That would be contrary to its nature since it is completely and totally spiritual.
Therefore, the next step and degree has to be built from the innermost or spiritual preceding step and degree. Since it is impossible to build the outermost degree immediately and directly from the innermost state, the intermediate degree must be built first for transitional purposes - the connecting link must first be built. There is no direct contact possible between the innermost and outermost degree because of their nature and position. However neither degree can east without the other. The life and condition of existence of the outermost degree is entirely from and based on the innermost spiritual degree where all is initiated without exception. The manifestation, realization and concretization of all initiation takes place in the outermost degree. In that manifestation, the realization and concretization of the innermost degree is as in its own. For that reason from the innermost degree the intermediate degree is built.
The function of the intermediate degree is to bridge, link, transmit and transform by a corresponding means all initiations of the innermost degree to the outermost degree and all realizations, manifestations and concretizations from the outermost degree to the innermost degree. Thus, the cycle of steps and their structure is completed and becomes true reality.
Now, in order to build an intermediate step, it is necessary to separate and split the physical or natural representation of such ultimate and complete spiritual unity, integration and oneness as illustrated by the oneness of femininity and masculinity and all their principles and derivatives in the androgynous physical form of the first people of the planet Earth.
Thus, the second step in preparation for the mission of the people on Earth is a step toward an intermediate spiritual-natural degree which was represented, illustrated and concretized by physically separating the androgynous human form into two different physical forms - masculine and feminine.
Since the intermediate degree is a bridge, a link and a point of transmission and transformation, it must contain within itself an equal amount of content of both the spiritual or innermost degree and the non-spiritual or outermost degree. Otherwise no link, bridging, or communication would be possible between them. For that reason it is called the spiritual-natural degree.
This second step is the beginning of the recession from total and complete spirituality represented by the first people.
In the state and process of spiritual completeness and totality, no obliteration of memories from consciousness is possible.
Since this is the state and the process of initiation, without conscious memories of initiation of ideas, thoughts and procedures, no idea, thought, and procedure would have any impact or use. Thus, the first people of the planet Earth, before the separation of their physical body, had full knowledge and understanding of the purpose, reasons and goal of their mission on the planet Earth and its future destiny, with all consequences and outcomes of that mission. The innermost degree which they represented does not operate within the categories of time-space continuum. Therefore, nothing was hidden from them.
This condition was a disadvantage from the standpoint of the basic plan and mission. The reason is obvious: full conscious knowledge of the plan and its complete outcomes would be a hindrance to genuineness and reality of experience; it would be something like a game of "let us pretend". Such a game could not be a true teaming process and would lack authenticity. With such an attitude, the condition of a real true state and process of complete non-spirituality could not be established and the consequences and outcomes of such a condition could not truly become functional.
One can find a good analogy to this in the research methodology of social scientists, especially in psychology laboratories. All such methodologies are completely useless, regardless of how their ardent followers argue the opposite, because whatever happens there is artificially created and the subjects who volunteer for such experiments have continuous conscious knowledge and memories of volunteering for it. It makes no difference that they do not know what they are volunteering for (although, nowadays it is considered unethical not to inform the volunteers about the nature of experiments at least in general terms) because the conscious knowledge and memory of volunteering completely and totally distorts the outcome of such experimentation. Artifacts can provide only artifacts or artificial answers. After all, all subjects know that nothing bad or harmful can happen to them. Such conscious knowledge completely discredits the validity, usefulness and any practical utility of such experimentation. Only complete obliteration of conscious memories of such an undertaking can lead to the authenticity of the experience and to the ultimate authentic teaming of all concerned. From such authentic teaming the general conclusions of universal validity can be drawn.
Now, since such obliteration is impossible in the innermost state and degree, it is necessary to bring about the second degree by separating and splitting the human physical form in which that obliteration, to some degree, can take place. During the first step of creation of the second degree, because of its proximity to the innermost degree, the complete obliteration of conscious memory is still impossible. Now, in this state only a general idea of such a mission is present without any specifics or outcomes of such a venture. However, because all operations must take place in complete freedom of choice and voluntarily, before the split and before the beginning of the obliteration of conscious memories, everyone was asked to weigh and consider very carefully all the consequences and outcomes of such a choice, together with its purposefulness and usefulness, prior to making a final decision in this matter.
Only those people are used then and now for such experiments who truly, completely and totally, from their own freedom of choice, volunteer for it and also volunteer for the obliteration of conscious memory by such a choice. No outer type of people could bring about the required result.
Once this is done the gradual obliteration of conscious memory may begin.
In the state and the process of complete and total spirituality represented by the first androgynous people of Earth, the only regard and motivation for all activities was mutual benefit, common good and unconditional sharing. ho other concerns were conceivable at such a level because this level derives its entire life from and corresponds to the Most High who is the Absolute Unconditional Love. The concept of "one's own" is inconceivable in such a state of unity, integration and oneness. With such a totally prevailing attitude, it was impossible to build anything that negated this purpose of spirituality.
In order to develop a contrast to such a sharing condition, and for the purpose of the mission, it became necessary to create a new condition in which the idea of "one's own" could be conceived and experienced.
Once something is taken out from someone and separated from that someone it becomes objectively that someone's own and a sense of belonging and ownership starts to develop. For the first time the concept of "it is mine and no one else's" developed.
Without separation of masculinity and femininity in the form of concrete physical bodies such an idea could never be developed. And without such an idea a non-spiritual state and its dire consequences could not be experienced and no Teaming would occur.
In the state of unity, integration and oneness of a complete spiritual state and process, whatever occurs, proceeds and becomes is a simultaneous outcome of all principles working together. So that, for example, whatever one wills, at the same time one simultaneously reasons about. Whatever one feels, one thinks and vice versa. In such a condition no thinking apart and contrary to willing is possible. One is one's own will and reason. Thus, it is an utter impossibility for such people to do or like something by pretension when deep inside they dislike it. Even the notion of such a possibility is inconceivable in the state of complete spirituality.
However, for the purpose of illustration and demonstration of the state of non-spirituality, it is necessary to develop such a condition. Therefore, because of the concreteness of the representation of the outermost degree of the outermost successive step, such a condition can be developed only by concrete and physical means - i.e., physically dividing humans into two forms: one form, the form of will represented by femininity with all its principles; the other form, the form of reason represented by masculinity with all its principles. Such a split is a prerequisite for the development of seemingly non-spiritual thinking, willing, acting, feeling, and so on which by its very nature is contradictory.
Unification is always spiritual. Anything that recedes from the state of unification is non-spiritual and, therefore, contradictory.
Thus, the base was developed to experience the dire consequences of non-spirituality.
In the state and process of complete spirituality no negation of such spirituality is possible. One cannot very well negate one's own being and existence. Therefore, the idea of non-spirituality in such a state is inconceivable. Without such an idea no consequences of it could be experienced. However, by the existence of two forms of one human in separate modes or bodies the contradictory idea can become conceivable. Since one can relate to another one as someone obviously different, one can start to discriminate and rationalize such discrimination to the point of the conceiving of an idea of complete negation of any spirituality. !f one discriminates between spirituality and non-spirituality, one may rationalize, if one wishes, that no spirituality exists. From this position arises the possibility of completely negating spirituality.
Such a process of thinking is an impossibility in the state and process of complete unification, integration and oneness of masculinity and femininity and all their principles which is a condition of complete spirituality.
For the sake of demonstration of the dire consequences and outcomes of such negation it is necessary to create a favorable condition for choosing to negate all spirituality.
In the condition of complete spirituality represented and illustrated by the first androgynous people of Earth it is inconceivable to have an idea of denial of the Absolute Being and Absolute Existence of the Most High. As long as the idea of Absolute Being and Absolute Existence is kept uppermost in people's minds, no recession from the Most High is possible and no loss of spirituality can occur.
Thus, a condition is created in which, by virtue of the separation of one human form into two forms, an idea of "one's own" can be conceived. From this idea one can develop a rationalized attitude and belief that all else seemingly is one's own. This inadvertently leads to the ultimate denial of the Absolute Being and Absolute Existence of the Most High. Acceptance of the Most High excludes the concept of "one's own". If one occurs, proceeds and becomes from the Most High, one necessarily belongs to the Most High, and whatever one has is never one's own but the Creator's. With such spiritual awareness, if one denies the being and existence of the Most High one denies one's own being and existence which is an utter impossibility.
In the condition of complete spirituality and the innermost state and process represented by the innermost degree of androgynous people of Earth no concept of self-love for the sake of one's self was possible. In complete spirituality the love to the Most High from the love of the Most High and the love of others from the love of self is the very life of one's being and existence. This is the full principle of true spirituality. No other notion can be conceived in this condition. From such a condition no recession of spirituality is possible. Therefore, it was necessary to create a different condition by a split in which the concept of "one's own", for the sake of the Grand Plan and Mission, could be conceived and all else rejected. Thus, a non-spiritual state could be experienced and the teaming of what it is like to be without spirituality and, thus, without the Most High could come to its fruition. Now, in a non-spiritual state, once the "one's own" is allowed to be seemingly real, the love to the Most High and others stems only from "one's own" and for one's own sake. It goes something like this: "I love you" because I love myself' and not "I love myself so that I might love you". The impact of such a distinction is obvious: such love ("I love you because l love myself') is no love at all but a negation of true love, thus, total destruction. Where there is no true life there is no true spirituality; where there is no true spirituality there is no true life.
In the condition of complete spirituality of the first androgynous people of the planet Earth all choices were present only potentially by the awareness that one was not locked permanently in that state. The idea of choosing something less spiritual was inconceivable for them since they had already chosen that state before the beginning of time in the Absolute Thought Process and the Absolute Will of the Most High. Therefore, such a condition could not be used for developing something contrary to their nature.
A new condition had to be developed to give people a concrete opportunity for the choice of rejecting any spirituality, some spirituality or all spirituality. This was done by the physical split of one human form into two different human forms. This act enabled the emergence of an idea, by the experience of a concrete difference, that different possibilities (other than only one total and complete spiritual state and process) were quite feasible. After all, the direct and concrete experience of the division into two different human forms, femininity and masculinity, spoke louder than words. Hence, the possibility was initiated to allow a spiritual recession for the purpose of teaming by one's freedom of choice.
The nature of complete spirituality immanently ingrains within itself the completeness of its knowledge relative to the Absolute Knowledge of the Most High. Because this condition is the condition of "within", all and any source of knowledge is "within", that is, in complete spirituality. Therefore, one always turns toward that spirituality, meaning toward the Most High who is the center of that "within".
If one always turns for any knowledge toward spirituality, one always has to be spiritual because of the continuous confirmation that all truth and all good is in and from such spirituality. Therefore, no idea of lesser spirituality can be derived from such a condition. Since this was the condition of the first people of Earth in the concrete and real physical manifestation of this condition, it was necessary to split the androgynous form into two different forms - masculine and feminine - so that the initiation of the ideas of recession and negativity could take place.
Now, once something is taken out of one, the knowledge of that something is also removed. To re-acquire that knowledge, one now has to look "without" instead of "within". Gradually the habit is formed to seek all answers "without", in a so-called natural reality where there are no real answers. Thus a base is established for all erroneous and false conclusions about spirituality and about the Most High-about everything, for that matter. This is the beginning of the end!
Since true spirituality and the Most High are always "within", from where is initiated even the possibility of any "without", they cannot be seen or comprehended by means and tools of "without" for they are not from "without". From this stems the denial of spirituality and the existence of the Most High. This, in tum, becomes the base for answering the question of what it is like to be without spirituality. Such a condition gradually leads to no knowledge of spirituality and no knowledge of the Most High, therefore, to atheism.
In the state of complete and total spirituality is the essence and substance of "I Am" relative to the Absolute "I Am" of the Most High. This is the base for continuous selfawareness in its totality of being and existence. Since such "I Am" is possible only relative to "I Am" Absolute, all implications of that conclusion are obvious. It leads to total spirituality of all beings and existences. It also establishes "I know who I am". No other conclusions can be drawn from such a condition. Nothing else can be derived or experienced. Any desire to experience a different condition would equal denial of "I Am" and, thus, of true self-awareness. Such a condition and situation existed with the first androgynous people of the planet Earth.
In order to have a different experience for the purpose of fulfillment of the Grand Plan and Grand Mission of mankind it was necessary to split the physical form into two forms-male and female-so that the question "Who am I?" might become feasible.
One has to remember continuously that these things occurred in the outermost degree of the outermost step in the totality of being and existence determined by the placement and position of the planet Earth in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization at that cycle in time. This placement and position required that everything take place in a concretely illustrated form. No such requirement was feasible at any other preceding steps or preceding degrees because, for them, the appearance of the feminine and masculine form in separation signified only the distinguishability of the principles of love and wisdom which are always in complete unity. Therefore, for them, no question of "Who am I?" for that experience could make any sense. The only way they could experience this was through the outcomes and consequences of such questions by people of Earth who performed this specific assignment.
Once the split takes place, there is a loss of the totality of self-experience as a unity, oneness and integration. This loss was necessary so that the necessary place and position of representation in concrete form and appearance could be achieved by people on Earth. This loss leads to doubts regarding one's own self-identity. Once the fullness of self is lacking-accomplished by that split-one can never acquire full certainty of one own self until reunification takes place again. This, in tum, leads to doubts about anyone else's existence. Because the full awareness of self of "I Am" is possible only relative to the Most High, it is based necessarily on complete spirituality. Any doubts about oneself lead to lesser and lesser spirituality until complete denial of spirituality and the Most High results.
But because there is that undeniable fact that one lives despite the fact that "1 don't know who I Am", one must inevitably conclude that one's life is from nature and is only a haphazard occurrence. Thus, no spirituality is recognized or required. Now, the consequence and outcome of such conclusions may be fully experienced and the answer to the original question may be concretely answered by example.
The immanent condition of complete and total spirituality is complete and total freedom and independency The innermost condition in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization is the state and process of freedom and independency. The closer one is positioned to that center, the more free and more independent one is. Also the more free and more independent one is, the more spiritual one is; and vice versa: the more spiritual one is, the more free and more independent one is.
The first androgynous people of the planet Earth represented this innermost state and process. how, this is not to say that all sentient entities must be androgynous in order to be spiritual, free and independent. They can have any form. The unity, integration and oneness of their principles of femininity and masculinity are not violated by their separateness because they are of full spiritual awareness and experience. Therefore, if they appear in the separate forms of masculinity and femininity, it doesn't signify for them separation of the principles as it does for people on Earth, but instead signifies a manifestation of equality and mutualness of their states and conditions.
The situation is different with people of this Earth. Because of their placement and position in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization, since they are the outermost degree of the outermost step, everything that is happening here must have concrete and physical illustration, manifestation and representation. This is true of everything in all respects. Therefore, in Earth's particular case it was necessary to start mankind with the form of unification, integration and oneness of all principles in the physical appearance of the androgyne. Otherwise the idea of such unity, integration and oneness could not have been formed and ingrained in its Inner Mind. Thus, no ideas of spirituality, freedom and independency could ever be ingrained in mankind, which would lead to total doom and to failure of the purpose of their creation. From those ideas, ingrained in their Inner Spiritual Mind, they can be led back toward spirituality where they were before, if they wish.
Now, since the first people were in such spirituality, freedom and independency, they were completely and totally free and independent. But because of this condition the idea of lesser freedom, lesser independency and, thus, lesser spirituality could not be conceived and recession from spirituality for the purpose of the Grand Plan could not take place.
Therefore, it was necessary to create a different condition in which such an idea could be conceived.
The human physical form was split into two separate forms-masculine and feminine. This enabled formation of the idea of lesser freedom and lesser independency because now they became somewhat dependent on each other in their femininity and masculinity, and fulfillment of their respective needs could not take place without each other. The awareness of such a condition is a recession from complete and total spirituality and leads ultimately toward denial of any spirituality. Thus, slavery, possessiveness, jealousy, selfishness and all other such things became possible, in which there is no spirituality at all.
With such complete and total freedom and independency as described above is connected the total freedom of expression of sexuality. The ability to share, to give, to receive and to reciprocate with all those who are of opposite sexual characteristics and their corresponding spiritual, mental and physical principles for the purpose of enrichment and enhancement of one's own and anyone else's spirituality, is the sign of total, complete and mature spirituality. One shares with all and all share with one. In this connotation "one" signifies either one masculine to all feminine principles or one feminine principle to all other masculine principles. In the true spiritual connotation no other situation is possible because the One Most High shares with all creation of sentient entities as all sentient entities share with the One Most High.
In such sexual sharing, with such intention, the true spirituality and the Most High is as in their own.
This situation was represented by the first androgynous people of the Earth in whom all masculine principles were in continuous sharing with all feminine principles and feminine principles were in continuous sharing with all masculine principles. There was no exclusion or preference of one principle over another. Such an exclusion was not conceivable in the fullness and completeness of the spiritual state and process in which they were.
Any such exclusion and preference would have led to lesser and lesser spirituality. Since lesser spirituality was not feasible for them, in order to proceed with the plan, it became necessary to separate their physical form into male and female forms to initiate the process of exclusion and preference and break the equality of principles. This enabled a non-spiritual state to come into experiential manifestation. At the same time this led toward putting restrictions and limitations on the kind of human sexual expression which stems from total and complete spiritual freedom and independency. Thus, one could develop possessiveness, evil intentions, jealousy and separation from sharing one's sexuality with many opposite members of one's sexual characteristics, preventing, thus, oneself and others from the enrichment and enhancement of one's life and one's spirituality. Such states have no spirituality in them at all.
In the spiritual totality and completeness of the innermost degree, represented by the androgynous people of the planet Earth, there is a complete unity and oneness of all principles of femininity and masculinity. It is one as the Most High is One. Therefore, no formal marriages existed among the first people since their state was in itself a manifestation of spiritual marriage of all feminine principles to all masculine principles and all masculine principles to all feminine principles. In this sense, everyone was married to everyone. This is the only possible outcome of complete and total spirituality since all are from the Most High and the Most High is in all. In that sense, again, one is for all and all are for one. In the cumulative effect of the totality of such a spiritual marriage, the Absolute Unity of the Most High's Absolute Masculinity and Absolute Femininity can be experienced and shared in all respects.
Any lesser degree of sharing would limit spirituality and lead to less spirituality. Such an idea was completely alien to the innermost degree of spirituality represented by the first people. Therefore, in order to proceed with the plan it was necessary to split their physical form into two separate forms-male and female-so that a different perspective of lesser spirituality could be acquired.
Through such a split the experience of completeness and totality of oneself is gradually lost, and the greater spiritual awareness starts to fade away. This leads toward the necessity of seeking outward marital bonds so that production of new ideas can continue. In the complete and total spiritual state such a bond is unnecessary because it is immanent to that state and new ideas can be continuously born by that immanency. Any other means of production or reproduction recede from spirituality.
In the state and process of total and complete spirituality-which is the oneness of feminine and masculine principles-no negative ideas can be given birth as a result of such union; thus, no children can be born by non-spiritual means. Only spiritual means are feasible: the birth of new ideas as a result of such union and sexual exchange is an idea of greater spirituality from the Most High. This idea is used by the Most High for Her/His Endowment. In the moment of its endowment the idea becomes a sentient entity, thus born from that union. Because such a union produces only a highly spiritual sentient entity, no lesser spiritual degree can come to fruition within it. And, of course, no negative idea and thus no negative pseudo-sentient entity can result from it.
Therefore, it was necessary to split the original form in two to provide an opportunity experiencing lesser degrees of spirituality that would enable the production of lesser spiritual ideas ending in the production of negative ideas and negative pseudo-sentient entities.
Because the birth of negative ideas is impossible in the state of total spirituality, since all ideas born in this state are completely spiritual, it is necessary to create a different non-spiritual means for the origination of negative ideas that ultimately would lead to the necessity of the birth of people by physical means. From people born by such means, negative and evil ideas can be produced and their dire and devastating consequences and outcomes can be illustrated to all creation. Whatever is not born from the Most High by purely spiritual means has no spiritual reality in itself.
In the totality and completeness of the spiritual state and spiritual process of the innermost degree, represented by the first androgynous people of the planet Earth, all births were by endowment from the Most High only. That is to say once anyone fulfilled one's mission and left planet Earth, that one was replaced through a new endowment from the Most High in which the ideas born by the unification and exchange of principles of femininity and masculinity of that person were utilized for such purpose. And since the vivification and actualization of such ideas into human living forms was/is possible only by the endowment of the Most High, no claim of parenthood was ever considered or possible. Everyone knew that the True Mother and the True Father of everyone could only be the Most High. This is the outcome of any spiritual state. Thus, in the ultimate sense the birth of everything alive is only from the Most High.
By virtue of the complete unity and oneness of all principles of femininity and masculinity of the Most High and the first people, no birth of any negative ideas from that state was possible. Therefore, neither the Most High nor the first people of the Earth could originate or become parents of anything ill-conceived. Therefore, no lesser spiritual experience could take place from such a condition.
Here one can perceive a paradox: if the Most High is the only Mother and the only Father of all sentient entities, and if the sentient entities of the planet Earth originated the negative state in the Universe, then the Most High ultimately originated that negative state.
This is a contradiction to the statement that no positive state can produce any negative ideas.
The contradiction and paradox is seeming only: the only principle that has real being and existence is the positive principle-the Most High. Any denial of that principle is a non-principle which has no foundation in itself and by itself. It exists only because the positive is. It is not caused by the positive. It is in its essence and substance an illusion born out of the ultra-natural condition of mankind in its outermost degree of the outermost step where such ideas may become a reality. But because such a state is not a principle in itself but only a by-product of separation from the true principle, that is, from spirituality, it has no connection to the Most High. The Most High cannot be considered its mother or father. However, every idea and its realization must originate somewhere, that is, it has to have a mother and father. Because it stems from the declaration of independency of non-spiritual existence, it can be born only by the natural pseudo-union of two separated pseudo-principles of pseudo-femininity and pseudo-masculinity and their pseudo-oneness.
In order that such a pseudo-mother and pseudo-father could appear, with the foresight of such a situation by the Most High, it was necessary to split the original physical form of people of the planet Earth into two separate forms. This provides the idea of lesser spiritual awareness that eventually leads to the negation of spirituality and all its principles and attributes. Because it leads also toward negation of true femininity and masculinity and all their principles, it is replaced by the pseudo-femininity and pseudo-masculinity of traditional and conventional relationships and marriages-which was/is an imitation of true spiritual marriage. This established a possibility of a pseudo-mother and a pseudo-father who give birth to all negative states and ideas.
The point here is this: the lesser spirituality is a recession from complete spirituality. Any spirituality at all is from the presence of the Most High. As recession from spirituality continues, at one point the situation occurs in which there is no spirituality. And where there is no spirituality, there is no Most High. And where there is no Most High, there is no real life. ho spirituality means negation of spirituality. No spirituality can exist in such a state of recessed spirituality in which it steals, usurps the life principle and feeds upon itself for the purpose of negating it; thus, a pseudo-life with all its pseudo-principles is created. Now, once this state occurs and proceeds to become it does so by the stolen principle of life from the Most High (it cannot produce anything from itself) and it starts to give birth to all kinds of negative pseudo-states and pseudo-ideas. From this stems the statement that nothing negative can originate from true spirituality and from the Most High.
This is one of the reasons why the split was necessary-so that such an illustration and learning could occur for the purpose of answering the original question.
The spiritual completeness and totality of the innermost degree, represented by the first androgynous people of Earth, could not be tempted because the idea of doubts did not exist. Because of the completeness of this state no doubts could be conceived. Where there is no doubt, no tempting questions or behaviors can be manifested. Any doubt stems from a state of lesser spiritual degree that is vulnerable to temptation.
In order to initiate such a state for the purpose of the Grand Plan it was necessary to split the human physical form into two forms-masculine and feminine-so that from separation of principles doubt could emerge and temptation could take place. In a state of lesser degree of spirituality there is always a temptation, for the experience of something different than total spirituality becomes a doubtful condition of such a state. The only complete certainty one can find is in total spirituality. Anything less allows doubts.
For the purpose of the perpetuation of the negative states and pseudo-states and all their pseudo-principles, until such time as their usefulness for the Grand Plan could be fulfilled and the complete lesson learned by all sentient entities beyond the shadow of a doubt, it became necessary to permit and to form a new spiritual pseudo-state in the spiritual world. Since from the pure spiritual state this is impossible, it became necessary to create a special condition in which this could happen.
The first people of the planet Earth in their original form could not initiate such a process because it would be contrary to their very nature. For that reason they volunteered to be split so that the recession from spirituality could begin and a situation occur in which no spirituality would exist. From such non-spiritual states pseudo-ideas and negative states could be born. Because they are born by the spiritual principles stolen and usurped from spirituality and its negation (to negate requires power and to have power requires life) any such pseudo-idea is infused with pseudo-life and becomes reality. Once it lives, even if it lives by stolen life, it produces all kinds of states, processes and conditions which in turn continuously negate all positive states, processes, beliefs and spirituality.
Perpetuation of such a condition is impossible from and by natural means. After all, life is always spiritual whether it is stolen or not. Natural means have no life in themselves and by themselves. They would die out and the mission could not be completed. In order that they could be continuously fed and motivated to persist until the appointed time, a new pseudospiritual state was created for such people from the pseudo-life (which they had by the stolen principles of real life). This was a negative spiritual world called hell. This new state was capable of perpetuating negative conditions on the planet Earth as long as necessary and permitted.
Thus, hells were/are created by people and from people's pseudo-ideas which were/are the negation of spirituality and the existence and being of the Most High. Hells were/are created and maintained by stolen and usurped principles of creation of life. This was permitted to happen by the Most High so that a universal learning could occur and all questions would be answered with complete exhaustiveness and satisfaction to everyone in all beings and existences for all time.
Thus, even the hells in their ultimate sense, to their grave bitterness, serve a good cause in all creation. This is one of the ways the Most High turns everything eventually to the advantage of the spiritual cause.
I`low, since all spiritual states and conditions are of a nontemporal, non-spatial nature, it is irrelevant and unimportant how many trillion or quadrillion years (in terms of human earthly time) are required for such a process. The important matter is that the full usefulness of such an experience for all creation is completely manifested and realized until it finishes its purpose. After that the process ends and is eliminated.
If the initial split of the first androgynous people of the planet Earth into two forms had not taken place, no such situation could have been created and no real learning could have occurred; thus, the question would have remained unanswered. Such a situation would be intolerable for all creation.
In the conclusion of this chapter one has again and again to realize the importance of the statement that all truth is dynamic and that the Absolute Truth of any situation can be only approximated by those who are in the natural state. For that reason a transcending understanding of the above statements exists which the present spiritual condition of mankind is not ready yet to understand or to conceive. In order that such a transcending conception and understanding can become a reality in the future spiritual progression of people, it is necessary now to present, reveal and understand what happened. It will prepare mankind for the next. important step in its spiritual re-awakening.”
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