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Chapter Three
The New Dynamics of the Human Systems: Analysis of Dynamics.
“The new dynamics of human systems function on entirely different principles than the old ones. With the old concept of the human systems, dynamics cannot be conceived as true dynamics. The purpose and the goal of such systems is to maintain, preserve and perpetuate the stagnant condition of all conventions, traditions, cultures and their respective rules, regulations and prescriptions. Therefore, one can say that they are run on pseudo-dynamic principles. For whatever goes against the progressive flow of spirituality cannot be considered dynamic; it is destructive to the true purpose of life and its progress.
Therefore, the pseudo-dynamics of the old human systems can be described by the following "principles":
"Principle" of stagnation: this principle is based on self- preservation, self-perpetuation and self-protection. Everything in the system is geared toward one goal only: to preserve as much as possible and as long as possible everything old, stagnant and stationary. Whatever is not fulfilling this purpose or rule is dangerous, undesirable and must be eliminated. No other regard or consideration can be taken under such arrangements.
"Principle" of self-service. Everything in the old systems serves its own purpose. It doesn't serve ultimately the needs of individual members of the society or the society as a whole, but just the opposite: all individuals and the whole society must serve the system. Such a system becomes a monstrous conglomeration which devours human life and true creative effort of human beings. True creative effort is not encouraged or appreciated in the pseudo-dynamics of old systems because it serves to undermine its "principles" of stagnation which would lead to its elimination. The only creative effort permitted is that which serves to preserve and improve the stagnant condition of the system. Of course, such creative effort cannot be truly called creative because it ultimately serves to improve methods which destroy true creativity. In a true creative effort anything stagnant is eliminated and replaced with a progressive flow.
"Principle" of counter-productivity. Anything truly productive in the old systems is, in fact, counter-productive because it serves to perpetuate traditions and conventions which continuously recede from spirituality. In the true concept of being and existence the only productivity feasible is one which results in true spiritual progression for all. Since nothing in the old system supports such an effort but, in fact, hinders it, prevents it and goes against it, nothing in the old system can be considered truly productive.
"Principle" of counter-use. Whatever use is derived from the dynamics of the old systems is no use at all for, again, it is useful only to the system itself without true regard for the needs of individual members of the systems and human society essentially in regard to their basic and vital need continuous spiritual progression. Whatever does not serve such use is useless and void of true life.
"Principle" of complexity. Everything in the pseudo-dynamics of the old system is more and more complex and more and more complicated. Since the old system serves to perpetuate and preserve traditions and conventions, the intricate ways and modes of doing so are continuously accumulated, expanded and extended, thus, they become more and more complex and difficult to understand and, very often, contradictory. This is supported by a bureaucracy fabricated for that specific purpose. Such complexity makes it more and more difficult for any progressive elements to take hold of the system, and their efforts are lost in the intricacy, complexity and bureaucracy of the systems. Thus, the complexity of the old systems serves to maintain their stagnant condition.
None of such "principles" can be conceived or utilized in the dynamics of the new human systems. The new purpose, goal and intent is completely opposite to the old. The best way to analyze and to understand the new dynamics of the human system is by describing the true principles they operate on and by. These principles can be considered to be generally operational principles which are universally valid for any single system as well as for the entire human system. The specificity of any particular principle with regard to the specific dynamics of any system is determined by the content of any given system and the type of use it performs. However, such specificity is fully understood from the general principles of dynamics which underline any and all human systems.
Principle of service. The dynamics of any system are developed in such a manner as to serve the major purpose of human life which is spiritual progression. Every human being needs to be provided with all the necessities of internal and external life so that the unique, unrepeatable nature of everyone's individual spiritual progression can be served, supported and continuously developed in the most functional and appropriate manner. Whatever does not serve such purpose cannot be part of any human system.
Thus, all dynamics of human systems are completely, totally and absolutely geared toward serving individuals, society and mankind and all other creations of sentient entities, in their creative effort in the process of their spiritual progression. All motivational factors of such systems are to serve and to provide for others and not for themselves. Services and provisions for themselves are motivated only by the need to be in the best possible, most functional mode of operation for the purpose of better and better service to and provision for others' needs.
Principle of use. The new dynamics of any human systems are developed on the basis of their usefulness in the services they provide to the major purpose of human life as well as to the life of mankind and all sentient creation and their respective environments. Whatever is useful for such purpose is utilized and incorporated in all systems with regard to their specific function in such use. Such utilization of all possibilities is inherent in the new dynamics of every new system. Nothing can be disregarded or considered unimportant which can be of any such use to the systems in their services to the spiritual progression of sentient creation. In such use is the continuous presence of the Most High. The Most High is in it as in His/Her own.
Principle of parsimony. The new dynamics of all human systems are developed on the basis of effectiveness of their services and use they provide for spiritual progression of people. For that reason, any system continuously seeks the simplest, most economical, most efficient and most functional method to fulfill the purpose of its existence. It also desires to be most comfortable, most easy to use and to understand. Whatever complicates the situation, whatever makes it difficult to understand or to use properly is instantly eliminated and the process is simplified and economized so that it can serve in the most optimal and functional manner for all. For that reason, any accumulation of rules, regulations, procedures or other complexities is entirely eliminated from the new dynamics of such systems. Such accumulations are contrary to the content and meaning of the word "dynamic". There is nothing dynamic in accumulation and complexity. It suffocates the true nature of dynamics.
Principle of continuous improvement. All human systems have built in their new dynamics a principle that defines their very life and justifies their very existence. The principle states: whatever exists exists in conditional potentials to be better and better. No truly stationary, unchangeable or unimprovable condition, state and process exists because it is contrary to the Absolute Nature of the Creator. Therefore anything, in order to justify its existence, must continuously improve itself so that it can better fulfill the purpose of its existence and to match the major purpose of human life which is spiritual progression. Whatever doesn't improve with the progressive nature of creation cannot be part of such process. Therefore all human systems in their new dynamics must continuously improve their services, their use, their parsimony and all else related to them. They must continuously improve their methodologies, their functions and modes used in safeguarding against any possible stagnation, misuse and abuse. If any human system doesn't show a progressive improving trend with the general progressive trend of human spiritual progression, it is constantly re-evaluated and analyzed, and the reason for such stagnations are sought out and eliminated. If, by any chance, such system fulfills its use and service and doesn't have anything more to offer to mankind or to individuals, it is modified, abolished or replaced with a more useful and serving system.
The above-defined principles are built in the new dynamics of all human systems of the new age of spiritual progression. There is an on-going continuous check of all systems in order to assure that they are constantly adhering to these principles. For that purpose, a special council is appointed by the Most High from the wisest and most use-loving members of the mankind to coordinate all systems and to assure that all such principles are continuously reinforced, followed and modified for their better use and application.
Another general principle deriving from the fourth principle - principle of continuous improvement - is built in the principles themselves. It states that whatever exists continuously evolves and progresses in steps. Each successive step supersedes its preceding step in all respects. This is the logical outcome of continuous progression. It means that many things which were proper and right in the preceding step of development and progression become obsolete and useless in the succeeding step. For that reason the new step often requires new methodology, new principles and new dynamics which are better able to serve the needs of that particular successive step. Therefore, the replacement of some or all principles and methodologies are a necessarily built-in rule and need in all principles of the dynamics of the human systems. This principle can be called the principle of replacement and it may be considered one of the most important rules around which all principles of the dynamics of the human systems are built. It prevents any system within each step in progression from clinging to its perpetuation and preservation and becoming reactionary. It removes the old law of the human unconsciousness found in the formulation that whatever once is accepted tends to remain there and resists its replacement, and that the longer it stays there, the more vicious is its resistance against removal.
Now, this rule in itself became obsolete because it was part of the old system and the old concept of the human mind. One has to remember that under the old concept most of the areas of the human mind were inaccessible and, therefore, they were unconscious. This was the result of the previously described closure of the Inner Mind, the spiritual world and other dimensions. In such constellations and conditions, the unknown factors of the old "unconscious mind" played a significant role. Protection against the unknown was sought by clinging rigidly and desperately to something known and familiar. All the old structures and dynamics of the human systems were built around such a rule.
In the new era, no such situation exists. The access to the inner Mind, to the spiritual world and to other dimensions and places in the physical Universe is fully open. Therefore, there is no fear of the unknown under such conditions. In fact, the concept of fear is impossible with open access to all areas of one's mind. Instead, one looks forward with great anticipation toward one's future development in the process of one's continuous spiritual progression because one knows that whatever is there is inherently better, more desirable, more progressive, and to strive for with great appreciation and delight in what one has at each given moment of one's spiritual progression. At the same time one is ready to relinquish all that is part of that particular moment without any regret or looking back to it. Such is the true dynamics of the human systems.
The open access to the spiritual world, to one's Inner Mind, and one's spiritual advisors, to other places in the physical Universe and the knowledge of correspondences, their use and their manipulation provides another safeguard against stagnation and clinging to the old. Such access is the best possible check, verification and confirmation arranged for all human systems in existence. The above-mentioned special council of coordinators of the principles of human systems as well as individual members are continuously verifying, confirming, evaluating and checking all functions of systems from all aspects with the help of all who are in corresponding states and conditions of any particular system in other dimensions and in the Inner Mind through the spiritual advisors who are assigned by the Most High for that particular purpose.
Therefore, in the new dynamics of all human systems there is nothing contained or even remotely indicated that could force or attempt their perpetuation and stagnation.
The applicability of the above-described principles of the new dynamics of human systems is relevant only within the new step in mankind's spiritual progression which is about to begin. Whether such principles will be applicable in the next step of spiritual progression entirely, partially or not at all will depend on the content, purpose and the needs of the next step. One can be assured, however, that there will definitely be required a transcending understanding of all of them. Such is the arrangement of true spiritual progression and that is the way it is supposed to be.”
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